GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 The Cazzaso landslide complex shows three markedly distnct sectors, with diferent morphological characteristcs, notwithstanding the main morphogenetc agents (tectonic actvity, glacial acton, gravitatonal phenomena) are the same. The western sector, higher in alttude, includes the large area dissected by the landslide movement. The morphology of this area is characterized by the presence of an upper slope with constant inclinaton and regular profle, morphologically interrupted by a well-delineated 30-m high detachment scarp, which delimits the landslide body that extends below this scarp. The central part of the slope is occupied a morainic shelf on which the Cazzaso village stands, characterized by a slight slope towards E and locally interrupted by escarpments, which has its eastern limit at the increase in slope gradient. The eastern part of the slope has a regular course, of medium acclivity, with outcropping rocky substratum that progressively connects with the deposits of the valley foor. The geoelectric survey The purpose of the geoelectric prospectng campaign was to contribute to the constructon of a conceptual model of the landslide. The use of high-power transmiters (Rizzo and Gianpaolo, 2019) is a further expansion of the Electrical Resistvity Tomography (ERT) delivering a larger depth of exploraton so that the method is ofen indicated as Deep ERT (DERT) (Bocchia et al., 2021). The survey was made using new generaton instrumentaton and was divided into two phases (Fig 1).