GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig 3 Resistvity volume (20 - 120 Ωm) extracted from the FullWaver cube showing the whole conductve pelitc complex and the contact between this and the dolomite. Conclusions The use and integrated applicaton of innovatve geophysical prospectng methodologies allowed to acquire high quality resistvity datasets, thus grantng an adequate resoluton even in the deepest parts of the investgated subsoil. This allowed to obtain imaging of the subsoil up to depths greater than 100 m from the surface, i.e. the depth of lithological and structural features directly constraining the development of the main Cazzaso landslide. The geophysical models of the subsoil derived from the DERT profles were capitalized by the study of the landslide by the University of Milano – Bicocca that drew important conclusions about the instability phenomena in the area of Cazzaso. The two slope areas, western with a higher slope, and central that refers to the terrace on which the Cazzaso village stands, are afected by phenomena of diferent types. The upper part of the landslide is more superfcial and characterized by rapid phenomena with evoluton in some cases such as to give signifcant displacements. The second part of is a slower and more contnuous deep-seated landslide, probably with a superfcial component superimposed on a very deep one that is stll not well evaluated. References Bocchia, F., Francese, R. G., Giorgi, M., Fischanger, F., Picot, S.; 2021: The impact of multple transmiters on signal strength in Deep Electrical Resistvity Tomography data: an experiment in the Vajont valley (north-eastern Italy). Bulletn of Geophysics and Oceanography, Vol. 62, n. 4, pp. 687-706. Carulli, G.B.; 2006: Note Illustratve della Carta Geologica del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Scala 1:150000; Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Direzione Centrale Ambiente e Lavori Pubblici, Servizio Geologico Regionale; SELCA: Milano, Italy, pp. 1–44. Fischanger, F., Morelli, G., Ranieri, G., Santarato, G. & Occhi, M.; 2013: 4d cross-borehole electrical resistvity tomography to control resin injecton for ground stabilizaton: a case history in Venice (Italy), Near Surf. Geophys., 11(1), 41–50. Gance, J., Leite, O., Lajaunie, M., Susanto, K., Trufert, C., Maillard, O., Bertrand, C., Ferhat, G., and Malet, J.-P.; 2021: Dense 3D electrical resistvity tomography to understand complex deep landslide structures, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14522, htps:// LaBrecque D.J., Morelli G., Fischanger F., Lamoureux P. and Brigham R.; 2013: Field trials of the mult-source approach for resistvity and induced polarizaton data acquisiton. In: Abstracts, AGU Fall Meetng, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, USA, NS34A-03 Leite, O., Trufert, C., Gance, J., Texier, B., Bernard, J.; 2017: A New Distributed and Cable Less System For Large 3D Electrical Resistvity Ert And Induced Polarizaton Tomography, 9th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Nov 2017, Volume 2017, p.1 – 5. Rizzo E. and Giampaolo V.; 2019: New deep electrical resistvity tomography in the High Agri Valley basin (Basilicata, southern Italy). Geomatcs, Nat. Hazards and Risk, 10, 197-218, doi: 10.1080/19475705.2018.1520150 Triglia, A., Iadanza, C.; 2007: “Il Progeto IFFI - Metodologia, risultat e rapport regionali” Rapporto sulle frane in Italia, (APAT, Roma).