GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 A novel approach for the assessment of the deterioraton of RC structures by means of non- invasive tests supported by numerical models L. Capozzoli 1 , G. De Martno 1 , S. Imperatore 2 , F. Nerilli 2 , L. Telesca 1 , E. Vasanelli 3 1 Insttute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, Natonal Research Council of Italy (IMAA CNR), C. da S. Loja—Zona Industriale, Tito Scalo, 85050 Potenza, Italy 2 Department of Civil Engineering, “Niccolò Cusano” University of Rome, 00166, Italy 3 Insttute of Heritage Science, Natonal Research Council (ISPC- CNR) via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (LE), Italy Economic, politcal, and social implicatons related to the safety of reinforced concrete structures and infrastructures pose signifcant and unavoidable challenges. As regards only the economic aspect, the global non-destructve testng market is projected to grow from $6,80 billion in 2022 to $16.66 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 13,66% [Report, online resource]. Deterioraton phenomena afectng concrete and/or reinforcements cause physicochemical and mechanical variatons, difcult to detect and localize by using conventonal diagnostc tools and methods, which are ofen low-resoluton, invasive, cost, and tme-consuming. Moreover, numerical models can support the safety conditon assessment of reinforced concrete structures but to date, there isn’t a consolidated approach for deteriorated materials. It is evident how coupled with semi-destructve and destructve tests and/or other well-known non-destructve tests, geophysical methodologies can play a fundamental role in RCS corroded RC structures inspectng and monitoring [Vasanelli et al.]. For this reason, the development of innovatve strategies for corrosion diagnosis based on a combined and integrated use of geophysical and other NDT methodologies is strongly required [Maierhofer et al., 2010; Capozzoli and Rizzo, 2017; Capozzoli et al., 2021]. Nowadays, protocols for the diagnosis of deteriorated RCS are not fully established, as they depend on the specifcity of the case studies under investgaton. Moreover, the potentalites of geophysical methodologies, alone or integrated, are not fully unleashed. From a structural point of view, a lot of eforts in performing experimental tests and in assessing theoretcal models on corroded RC members are stll needed, due to the amount of random parameters governing the physical problem and the chemical processes. In detail, a lack of well- established formulatons to employ in FEM-based structural analyses of aged structures is emerged, even if some statstcally assessed formulatons are available [Coccia et al. 2016; Imperatore et al., 2017; Imperatore and Rinaldi, 2019; Benenato et al., 2022; Imperatore, 2022].