GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 In this framework the two CNR Insttutes ISPC (Insttute of Heritage Science) and IMAA (Insttute of Methodologies for Environmental Analyses) and UNICUSANO University are working on the two- year Research Project of Natonal Relevance (PRIN-2022) ICARUS which aims at exploring the contributon that geophysical methodologies can give for detectng and monitoring the main degradaton phenomena afectng RCS, considering both the concrete and the reinforcements deterioraton. ICARUS proposes the development of an innovatve multscale and multsensor geophysical methodology based on integratng empirical relatonships between physical and mechanical parameters in diferent deterioraton conditons. The project's objectve will consist of developing an innovatve strategy based on integratng geophysical analyses, conventonal NDT and DT, and advanced statstcal analyses to identfy the material decay evoluton and upgrade existng corrosion damage models. In additon, novel structural assessment approaches for deteriorated RCS will be proposed. At this aim, improved bond-slip and tension-stfening laws will be developed to assess how corrosion afects the steel-to-concrete interacton at both local and global levels. The outcomes, coupled with empirical relatonships based on geophysical measurements for cracked concrete and corroded reinforcements and proper fnite element approaches, will allow the evaluaton of the structural behaviour of deteriorated reinforced concrete structures. ICARUS will try to accomplish mainly two goals: 1. Development of a non-invasive and multscale approach for the geophysical characterizaton and monitoring of degradaton, and development of damage empirical models, through the analysis of correlatons between geophysical parameters and mechanical propertes of concrete and RC elements with damage progression. 2. Modelling of the mechanical response of RCS at diferent damage levels due to deterioraton phenomena. In detail, the atenton will be focused on the decay of the mechanical propertes of the concrete and the steel-to-concrete interacton using experimental, analytcal, and numerical approaches. In order to accomplish its mission, ICARUS will analyze the degradaton mechanisms occurring in concrete and their simulaton in small-scale samples with diferent geophysical methodologies, DT and NDTs will be applied to degraded samples, accurately selected on the basis of aging procedures and specimens’ dimensions. The accuracy of each geophysical methodology in defning the degradaton level will be step-by-step analyzed by laboratory measurements, at diferent damage levels startng from the sound conditons of the material. Microstructural, physical, chemical, and mechanical characterizaton tests at diferent stages of decay will support the tests. Further, damage assessment of corroded RC members by means of destructve tests and geophysical methodologies will be accurately evaluated through a step-by-step laboratory procedure; then the variatons of the geophysical response due to the artfcial corrosion of rebars will be analyzed. The microstructural/physical propertes of the corroded samples and their mechanical response will be examined to characterize the degradaton phenomena. Artfcial corrosion degradaton of RC elements to obtain diferent crack paterns and/or corrosion levels will