GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 be implemented for evaluatng the mechanical performance of the corroded steel-concrete elements subjected to diferent corrosion levels. Fig. 1 - The innovatve mult-scale and mult-sensor based approach of ICARUS The outcomes of ICARUS have economic potental as its actvites may reduce the costs of restoraton and rehabilitaton interventons. Moreover, the approach is focused on the extension of the service life of structures by providing a more accurate diagnostc of the RC buildings and infrastructure conditons according to Cluster 5 of Horizon Europe 21-27 Program. References Benenato, A., Ferracut, B., Imperatore, S., & Lignola, G. P. (2022). Corrosion level estmaton by means of the surface crack width. Constructon and Building Materials, 342, 128010. Capozzoli L. and E. Rizzo, Combined NDT techniques in civil engineering applicatons: Laboratory and real tests, Constr Build Mat, 154, pp 1139-1150, 2017 Capozzoli L. et al., Mult-Sensors Geophysical Monitoring for Reinforced Concrete Engineering Structures: A Laboratory Test, Sensors, 21(16):5565, 2021 Coccia S. et al, Infuence of corrosion on the bond strength of steel rebars in concrete. Mater Struct, 49(1), 537-551,2016 Imperatore S. and Z. Rinaldi, Experimental behavior and analytcal modeling of corroded steel rebars under compression. Constr Build Mat, 226,126-138,2019 Imperatore S. et al., Degradaton relatonships for the mechanical propertes of corroded steel rebars. Constr Build Mat, 148, 219-230,2017 Imperatore, S. (2022). Modelling Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Elements under Corrosion Degradaton. Materials, 15(13), 4601.