GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 contaminaton efects, providing considerable qualitatve-quanttatve insights into both the distributon of products in a highly heterogeneous medium and the hydraulic perturbatons associated with the pumping operated by traditonal physical extracton wells. This research enhances our understanding of contaminant remediaton dynamics, emphasizing the need for integrated, mult-source approaches in addressing the complexites of heterogeneous geoenvironments. References Ciampi, P., Esposito, C., Cassiani, G., Deidda, G. P., Rizzeto, P., Petrangeli Papini, M. (2021): A feld- scale remediaton of residual light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL): chemical enhancers for pump and treat. Environmental Science and Polluton Research, 28(26), 35286-35296. htps:// Ciampi, P., Esposito, C., Cassiani, G., Deidda, G. P., Flores-Orozco, A., Rizzeto, P., Chiappa, A., Bernabei, M., Gardon, A., Petrangeli Papini, M. (2022). Contaminaton presence and dynamics at a polluted site: Spatal analysis of integrated data and joint conceptual modeling approach. Journa l of Contami nant Hydro l ogy, 248 , 104026 . htps : / /do i . org /10 . 1016/ j.jconhyd.2022.104026 . Orozco, A.F., Ciampi, P., Katona, T., Censini, M., Petrangeli Papini, M., Deidda, G.P., Cassiani, G. (2021). Delineaton of hydrocarbon contaminants with mult-frequency complex conductvity imaging. Science of the Total Environment, 768, 144997. htps:// j.scitotenv.2021.144997. Corresponding author: