GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Hailemikael S., Di Giulio G., Milana G., Vassallo M. and Bordoni P.; 2023: From ambient vibraton data analysis to 1D ground-moton predicton of the Mj 5.9 and the Mj 6.5 Kumamoto earthquakes in the Kumamoto alluvial plain, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 75(1), p.105. Mascandola C., Barani S., Massa M. and Albarello D.; 2021: New insights into long‐period (> 1 s) seismic amplifcaton efects in deep sedimentary basins: A case of the Po Plain basin of northern Italy. Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, 111(4), pp.2071-2086. Martelli L., Bonini M., Calabrese L., Cort G., Ercolessi G., Molinari F.C., Piccardi L., Pondrelli S., Sani F., Severi P.; 2017: Carta sismotetonica della Regione Emilia- Romagna e aree limitrofe, scala 1:250.000 (ed. 2016). Con note illustratve. Regione Emilia-Romagna, SGSS; CNR, IGG sez. FI; Università degli Studi di Firenze, DST; INGV sez. BO. D.R.E.AM. Italia. Martelli L.; 2021: Assessment of Seismic Bedrock in Deep Alluvial Plains. Case Studies from the Emilia-Romagna Plain. Geosciences, 11(7), p.297. Minarelli L., Amoroso S., Tarabusi G., Stefani M. and Pulelli G.; 2016: Down-hole geophysical characterizaton of middle-upper Quaternary sequences in the Apennine Foredeep, Mirabello, Italy. Annals of Geophysics, 59(5), p. S0543, htps:// Petronio L., Baradello L., Poggi V., Minarelli L., Böhm G., Afatato A., Barbagallo A., Cristofano G., Sorgo D., Martelli L. and Lai C.G.; 2023: Combining SH-and P-wave seismic refecton survey to support seismic response analysis. A case study from Cavezzo (Italy) afer the 2012 Emilia ear thquake . Eng i neer i ng Geo l ogy, 313 , p . 106916 . htps : / /do i . org /10 . 1016/ j.enggeo.2022.106916. Wathelet M., Guillier B., Roux P., Cornou C. and Ohrnberger M.; 2018: Rayleigh wave three- component beamforming: signed elliptcity assessment from high-resoluton frequency- wavenumber processing of ambient vibraton arrays. Geophysical Journal internatonal, 215(1), pp.507-523. Wathelet M., Chatelain J.L., Cornou C., Di Giulio G., Guillier B., Ohrnberger M. and Savvaidis A.; 2020: Geopsy: A user‐friendly open‐source tool set for ambient vibraton processing. Seismological Research Leters, 91(3), pp.1878-1889. Corresponding author: