GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Table 1. Parameter values of the frst layer. The amount of distorton produced by IP for each forward response is computed as the mean absolute percentage diference over the entre response, as follows: (eq.2) Where represents the number of gates above the noise foor, set to 1e-12 V/Am 4 at 1 ms, in order to quantfy only detectable IP efects; represents the j th gate of the forward response computed disregarding IP; is the j th forward response computed with IP. Results An example of comparison of forward responses with/without IP for the X and Z components of the Loupe system is shown in fgure 1 . The model, described in the textbox, represent a simplifed but common geology, with a thin conductve, slightly chargeable cover that overlies a resistve second layer. As clearly evident, the transients afected by IP are heavily distorted, both for the X and for the Z component, culminatng in the change of sign of the modelled signal. 15 80 1e-01 25 125 1 40 199 65 315 100 500 Distor t ion = n ∑ j =1 100 n f wr NOIP j − f wr IP j f wr NOIP j ∙ n f wr NOIP j f wr IP j