GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3. Casaglia site. Shear-wave velocity profle derived from surface-wave inversion (the colour is proportonal to the misft value), together with stratgraphic interpretaton of the Quaternary succession. The value of average Vs is also depicted in the profle. References Fot S., Hollender F., Garofalo F., Albarello D., Asten M., Bard P.Y., Comina C., Cornou C., Cox B., Di Giulio G. and Forbriger T.; 2018: Guidelines for the good practce of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project. Bulletn of Earthquake Engineering, 16(6), pp.2367-2420 Molnar S., Sirohey A., Assaf J., Bard P.Y., Castellaro S., Cornou C., Cox B., Guillier B., Hassani B., Kawase H. and Matsushima S.; 2022: A review of the microtremor horizontal-to-vertcal spectral rato (MHVSR) method. Journal of Seismology, pp.1-33 Hailemikael S., Di Giulio G., Milana G., Vassallo M. and Bordoni P.; 2023: From ambient vibraton data analysis to 1D ground-moton predicton of the Mj 5.9 and the Mj 6.5 Kumamoto earthquakes in the Kumamoto alluvial plain, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 75(1), p.105. Mascandola C., Barani S., Massa M. and Albarello D.; 2021: New insights into long‐period (> 1 s) seismic amplifcaton efects in deep sedimentary basins: A case of the Po Plain basin of northern Italy. Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, 111(4), pp.2071-2086. Tarabusi G. and Caputo R.; 2017: The use of H/V measurements for investgatng buried tectonic structures: The Mirandola antcline, Northern Italy, as a case study, Int. J. Earth. Sci. 106, no. 1, 341–353 Wathelet M., Chatelain J.L., Cornou C., Di Giulio G., Guillier B., Ohrnberger M. and Savvaidis A.; 2020: Geopsy: A user‐friendly open‐source tool set for ambient vibraton processing. Seismological Research Leters, 91(3), pp.1878-1889. Corresponding author:
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