GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 integrate and validate the existng data. Additonally, extensive profling has been accomplished across a wider area, extending horizontally and vertcally the inital grid. The frst results show the internal structure of the wall, suggestng the presence of heterogenous material and possible internal issues, in agreement with ST maps. Such extensive GPR mapping also evidences the GPR signature sharply changing its refectvity across the surveyed area, generally showing a signifcant decrease in refectvity due to high signal atenuaton (high electrical conductvity) partcularly in the lower sectors but not without important lateral variatons, possibly suggestng moisture variaton and degraded sectors (Šťastný et al., 2021). Such behaviour needs further investgatons using other NDT techniques (e.g. ERT, De Donno et al., 2017) and chemical analysis to verify the preliminary hypothesis and to assess the general state of conservaton of the masonry, mandatory to program suitable remediaton interventons in the near future. References De Donno, G., Di Giambatsta L., Orlando L., 2017: High-resoluton investgaton of masonry samples through GPR and electrical resistvity tomography, Constructon and Building Material, 154, 1234-1249. Ercoli M., Brigante R., Radicioni F., Pauselli C., Mazzocca M., Cent G., Stoppini A., 2016: Inside the polygonal walls of Amelia (Central Italy): a multdisciplinary data integraton, encompassing geodetc monitoring and geophysical prospectons. J. Appl. Geophys., 127, 31-44. Lombardi, F., Lualdi, M., Garavaglia, E., 2021: Masonry texture reconstructon for building seismic assessment: Practcal evaluaton and potentals of Ground Penetratng Radar methodology, Constructon and Building Materials, 299, 124189. Negri S., Aiello M.A., 2021: High-resoluton GPR survey for masonry wall diagnostcs, Journal of Building Engineering, 33, 101817. Porreca, M., Minelli, G., Ercoli, M., Brobia, A., Mancinelli, P., Cruciani, F., Giorget, C., Carboni, C., Mirabella, F., Cavinato, G., Cannata, A., Pauselli, C., Barchi, M.R., 2018: Seismic refecton profles and subsurface geology of the area interested by the 2016–2017 earthquake sequence (Central Italy). Tectonics 37, 1–22. Santos-Assunçao S., Perez-Gracia V., Caselles O., Clapes J., Salinas V., 2014: Assessment of Complex Masonry Structures with GPR Compared to Other Non-Destructve Testng Studies. Remote Sens., 6, 8220-8237. Šťastný P., Gašparík J., Makýš O.; 2021: Analysis of moisture and salinity of historical constructons before and afer the applicaton of REMEDIATIONS, Journal of Building Engineering, 41, 102785. Acknowledgements This project is founded by the Università degli Studi di Perugia, Finanziamento di Proget di Ricerca di Ateneo Anno 2021, project “Un percorso di ricerca interdisciplinare nel Patrimonio Culturale materiale e immateriale: l’Umbria come laboratorio di indagine” (P.I. Prof.ssa Carla Falluomini), WP 2.4 - Conoscenza, valorizzazione e conservazione del patrimonio materiale e immateriale (Sotogruppo ‘‘Un’eredità fragile: per una rinascita dei patrimoni culturali in area sismica’’). The authors thanks the Municipality of Norcia for their kind support and collaboraton. *Corresponding author:
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