GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 added in order to record bathymetry. Data were processed using an in-house developed open source and freeware QGIS plug-in, EEMstudio (Sullivan et al., 2024). Figure 1 shows the acquisiton layout and the inversion model of the data acquired in the southern shore of the Iseo lake and in the Torbiere del Sebino in the Brescia province (Italy). In the Iseo lake area the goal is understanding the interactons between surface water and groundwater. In order to achieve this goal, over a fve days campaign, 180 km of FloaTEM data were acquired in the Iseo lake and 20 km data were acquired in the Torbiere del Sebino, with a sounding every 5 meters. The data were inverted in the EEMverter inversion suite (Fiandaca et al., 2024) using a 1D forward mesh interpolated to a 2D model mesh. Bathymetry was incorporated in the inversion breaking the vertcal constraints at the bathymetric interface and forcing a narrower resistvity range in the water column (30-50 Ohm m). Figure 2 shows a comparison between a standard inversion and the inversion that incorporates bathymetry: the bathymetry incorporaton avoids overshootng/undershootng of resistvites in the shallowest layer. Interestng features can be inferred from the inversion model presented in fg. 1: below the water column, in the eastern-most area, a very resistve anomaly (magenta) represents the mountain dipping directly in the lake. In the southern area, below the botom of the lake, the discontnuous resistve anomaly represents the aquifer underlying the lake. These are the target bodies to understand how lacustrine water interacts with groundwater. Figure 1: inversion of the whole survey area (shown in the botom lef corner) with a 2D model mesh, using the new