GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Farquharson, C.G. & Oldenburg, D.W., (1998). Non-linear inversion using general measures of data misft and model structure, Geophysics, 134, 213–227. Harvey, J. and Goosef, M.: River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins, Water Resour. Res., 51, 6893–6922, htps:// 10.1002/2015WR017617, 2015. Hatch, M., Munday, T., and Heinson, G.: A comparatve study of in-river geophysical techniques to defne variatons in riverbed salt load and aid managing river salinizaton, 75, WA135– WA147, htps:// , 2010. Lane, J. W., Briggs, M. A., Maurya, P. K., White, E. A., Pedersen, J. B., Auken, E., Terry, N., Minsley, B., Kress, W., LeBlanc, D. R., Adams, R., and Johnson, C. D.: Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new foatng transient electromagnetc methodology, Sci. Total Environ., 740, 140074, htps://, 2020. Manheim, F. T., Krantz, D. E., and Braton, J. F.: Studying Ground Water Under Delmarva Coastal Bays Using Electrical Resistvity, Groundwater, 42, 1052–1068, htps:// j.1745-6584.2004.tb02643.x, 2004. Maurya, P. K., Christensen, F. E., Kass, M. A., Pedersen, J. B., Frederiksen, R. R., Foged, N., Christansen, A. V., and Auken, E.: Technical note: Efcient imaging of hydrological units below lakes and fords with a foatng, transient electromagnetc (FloaTEM) system, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 2813–2827, htps://, 2022. Munk, L., Hynek, S., Bradley, D. C., Bout, D., Labay, K. A., and Jochens, H.: Lithium brines: A global perspectve: Chapter 14, Econ. Geol., 18, 339–365, htps://, 2016. Ong, J. B., Lane, J. W., Zlotnik, V. A., Halihan, T., and White, E. A.: Combined use of frequency- domain electromagnetc and electrical resistvity surveys to delineate near-lake groundwater fow in the semi-arid Nebraska Sand Hills, USA, Hydrogeol. J., 18, 1539–1545, htps:// 10.1007/s10040-010-0617-x, 2010. Pihlainen, S., Zandersen, M., Hyytäinen, K., Andersen, H. E., Bartosova, A., Gustafsson, B., Jabloun, M., McCrackin, M., Meier, H. M., and Olesen, J. E.: Impacts of changing society and climate on nutrient loading to the Baltc Sea, Sci. Total Environ., 731, 138935, htps:// j.scitotenv.2020.138935, 2020. Siemon, B., Christansen, A. V., and Auken, E.: A review of helicopter-borne electromagnetc methods for groundwater exploraton, Near Surf. Geophys., 7, 629–646, 2009. Sullivan N. A. L., Viezzoli. A., Fiandaca, G.; 2024: EEMstudio: processing and modelling of electric and electromagnetc data in a QGIS plugin, GNGTS 2024, 13-16 February 2024, Ferrara, Italy. Corresponding author:
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