GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 it consists of large blocks (about 1.30 m long). The wall rests on a layer of clay in which fint fragments were found. The northern part of the wall was completed with coarse rubble mixed with soil. The potery associated with these remains is currently being studied and should allow for an accurate datng and phase for the discovered building. This monument is located at the edge of the plateia IL , near the entrance to the sanctuary "of the circular altars." Given its propertes and locaton, the signifcance of this monument is of crucial importance for the complete understanding of the religious topography of Akragas. Since the excavaton is stll in the early stages, further investgaton is needed. Fig. 3 - Resistvity map obtained from ERT data processing overlaid on the 3D reconstructon of the archaeological excavaton.
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