GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 EM and ERT techniques has proven to be an essental tool in guiding archaeological digs to discover buried remains, at the Akragas site. The processing of the data acquired have identfed anomalies in the subsurface characterized by signifcant variatons in physical parameters. Given their physical and geometrical characteristcs, such anomalies were atributed to buried structures of anthropogenic origin. Based on the results obtained by ERT surveys, an inital test excavaton was conducted in one of the areas identfed by the geophysical surveys. Excavaton revealed the presence of an unknown building of potentally crucial importance to the religious topography of the area under investgaton. The integraton of geophysical techniques with traditonal archaeological methods contributes to a more efcient, cost-efectve, and informed approach to archaeological research and preservaton. References Bigman D.P.; 2012: The use of electromagnetc inducton in locatng graves and mapping cemeteries: An example from Natve North America. Archaeological Prospecton. 19, 31–39. htps:// . Cella F., Fedi M. 2015: High-resoluton geophysical 3D imaging for archaeology by magnetc and EM data: The case of the iron age setlement of Torre Galli, Southern Italy. Survey in Geophysics,36, 831–850. Di Maio R., La Manna M., Piegari E.; 2016: 3D reconstructon of buried structures from magnetc, electromagnetc and ERT data: Example from the archaeological site of Phaistos (Crete, Greece). Archaeological Prospecton. 23, 3–13. htps:// . Grassi S., Pat G., Tiralongo P., Imposa S., Aprile, D.; 2021: Applied geophysics to support the cultural heritage safeguard: A quick and non-invasive method to evaluate the dynamic response of a great historical interest building. Journal of Applied Geophysics. htps:// j.jappgeo.2021.104321 Sasaki Y.; 1992: Resoluton of resistvity tomography inferred from numerical simulaton 1. Geophysical Prospectng. 40(4):453–463 Tong L.T., Yang C. H.; 1990: Incorporaton of topography into two-dimensional resistvity inversion. Geophysics, 55(3), 354-361. Witen A.J.; 2006: Handbook of Geophysics and Archaeology, Equinox Pub: London, UK. Corresponding author: