GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 have been introduced in EEMverter. In the frst rule, the basal boundaries of the geological formatons are treated as barriers that separate diferent regions: the vertcal constraints on the electrical resistvity parameter can be broken at these barriers. This rule accounts for the fact that adjacent geological formatons can have signifcantly diferent electrical propertes. The second rule takes allows to specify diferent resistvity ranges in each region. The integraton and mutual calibraton of geophysical data with the 3D geological model allows for the refnement and validaton of the model parameters, ensuring a more realistc representaton of the aquifer system. This iteratve process enhances the precision of the model and provides valuable insights into the hydrogeological characteristcs of the investgated system (Fig. 2). Hydrogeology, and partcularly the isotope analysis, helped to identfy the origin of the groundwater and to determine an approximate elevaton for the main recharge areas of the aquifer system (Longinelli & Selmo, 2003). The results reveal the existence of diferent rock volumes with similar electrical behavior, within which heterogeneites in resistvity distributon are recognized. In additon, the integraton of 3D geological modeling and geophysical surveys provides a comprehensive and accurate representaton of subsurface structures (Fig. 3). In conclusion, this research ofers practcal insights for the sustainable management of groundwater springs in complex geological setngs and is the frst step in the development of a Fig. SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Geophysical surveys tracks and locaton of the springs with their relatve data.