GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 The curve determined is somewhat less atenuated than the curve previously determined by Moreno (2002) for this area and lies between this curve and the curve determined by Huton and Boore (1987) for California. The correcton values (S) found for the statons are consistent with the local geology, and we can conclude that the M L scale proposed in this study can replace the local magnitude scale currently used in the routne work of CENAIS. References Alvarez, H., and A. Menendez (1969). Sismicidad de Cuba, Izv. Akad. Naukk S.S.S.R. Fizika Zemli 1, 74–78 (in Russian). Alvarez, J. L., and V. I. Bune (1977). Seismic hazard assessment for southeastern Cuba, Izv. Akad. Naukk S.S.S.R. Fizika Zemli 10, 54–67 (in Russian). Alvarez, L., T. Chuy, J. Garcia, B. Moreno, H. Alvarez, M. Blanco, O. Exposito, O. Gonzalez, and A. I. Fernandez (1999). An earthquake cata- logue of Cuba and neighbour- ing areas, ICTP Internal Rept. ic/ir/99/1, Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 60, available at htp:// ICTPcata.pdf (last accessed November 2023). Alvarez, L., R. S. Mijailova, E. O. Vorobiova, T. J. Chuy, G. N. Zhakirdzhanova, E. R. Perez, L. M. Rodionova, H. Alvarez, and K. M. Mirzoev (2000). Terremotos de Cuba y areas aledanas, in Sismicidad de Cuba y estructura de la corteza en el Caribe, J. L. Alvarez (Editor) Editorial Academia, La Habana, Cuba, 7–35 (in Spanish). Anderson, J. A., and H. O. Wood (1925). Descripton and theory of the torsion seismometer, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 15, no. 1, 1–72, doi: 10.1785/ BSSA0150010001. Bakun, W. H., and W. B. Joyner (1984). The ML scale in central California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 74, 1827–1843. Bormann, P., and J. W. Dewey (2012). The New IASPEI Standards for Determining Magnitudes from Digital Data and Their Relaton to Classical Magnitudes, New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practce 2 (NMSOP-2), Deutsches GeoForschungs Zentrum GFZ, Germany, 1–4. Chovanova, Z., and J. Kristek (2018). A local magnitude scale for Slovakia, Central Europe, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 108, 5A, 2756–2763, doi: 10.1785/0120180059. Chuy, T. (1999). Macrosismica de Cuba y su aplicacion en los est- mados de peligrosidad y microzonacion Sismica, Tesis en opcion al Grado de Doctor en Ciencias Geofsicas, Fondos del MES y CENAIS, 150 p. (in Spanish).