GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 1 – Mixed-dimensional mesh scheme. Graphical representaton of the domain (grey), the liner in green and the electrodes in red. Below, a detail about the constructon of cells around an electrode is shown (Fumagalli et al., 2023). Partcular atenton has been given to mesh creaton, which is very similar on one side, while on the other has a diferent structure due to the diferent approaches considered. In partcular, pyGIMLi represents the electrodes as points and considers the nodes of the mesh as the degrees of freedom of the problem. This difers from the proposed approach in which the degrees of freedom are the elements of the mesh (tetrahedra). To make the results comparable, diferent meshes almost equal in terms of the number of nodes and elements have been created. Gmsh defnes a characteristc length of the mesh which has been set equal to 0.5 cm in the region close to the electrodes and equal to 5 cm elsewhere. To have the same structure in pyGIMLi, a series of nodes with distances equal to 0.5 cm along the three dimensions have been defned in the area close to the electrodes. Once the forward problem solver was validated, we were interested in the ability of our modelling code to obtain meaningful informaton about the liner in situ. A widespread issue for this type of analysis regards having satsfactory sensitvity far from the deployed electrodes. What types of arrays, how many measurements, and what electrode positons should we consider to best investgate the area where the membrane is located? To solve this problem, an analysis was performed with the aim of highlightng the areas with higher and lower sensitvity by paying special atenton to the 2D elements of the membrane. The aim was to optmize the acquisiton by following diferent strategies to reduce the number of measurements that would later be implemented in situ.