GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Discussion The obtained results, which will be presented during the 42 nd Natonal Conference of the GNGTS 2024 in Ferrara (Italy), clearly demonstrate that conductve textle sachets electrodes can be successfully used to collect reliable ERT datasets in environments with debris and coarse-blocky surface, decreasing the tme requested to deploy the investgaton line. Consequently, applying this alternatve electrode approach in future ERT measurements performed on rock glaciers, would allow to acquire measurements more rapidly, and the opportunity to collect more survey lines (e.g. realizaton of pseudo-3D geometries) extending the characterizaton of the investgated mountain permafrost area. eferences Bast, A., Wilcke, W., Graf, F., Lüscher, P., and Gärtner, H.; 2015: A simplifed and rapid technique to determine an aggregate stability coefcient in coarse grained soils, CATENA, 127, 170-176, htps:// . Binley, A.; 2015: Tools and Techniques: Electrical Methods, in: Treatse on Geophysics (Second Editon), edited by: Schubert, G., Elsevier, Oxford, 233-259, htps:// B978-0-444-53802-4.00192-5. Blanchy, G., Saneiyan, S., Boyd, J., McLachlan, P., and Binley, A.; 2020: ResIPy, an intuitve open source sofware for complex geoelectrical inversion/modeling, Computers & Geosciences, 137, 104423, htps:// Buckel, J., Mudler, J., Gardeweg, R., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Frauenfelder, R., Kneisel, C., Buchelt, S., Blöthe, J. H., Hördt, A., and Bücker, M.; 2023: Identfying mountain permafrost degradaton by repeatng historical electrical resistvity tomography (ERT) measurements, The Cryosphere, 17, 2919–2940. htps:// Day-Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C.D., Singha, K., Lane, J.W.J.; 2008: Best practces in electrical resistvity imaging: Data collecton and processing, and applicaton to data from Corinna, Maine. In: An Administratve Report for the United States Environmental Protecton Agency Region, p. 1. Hauck, C. and Kneisel, C.; 2008: Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521889667. Martn, S., Campedel, P., Ivy-Ochs, S., Viganò, A., Alfmov, V., Vockenhuber, C., ... & Rigo, M.; 2014: Lavini di Marco (Trentno, Italy): 36Cl exposure datng of a polyphase rock avalanche. Quaternary Geochronology, 19, 106-116.. htps:// Pavoni, M., Carrera, A., Boaga, J.; 2022: Improving the galvanic contact resistance for geoelectrical measurements in debris areas: a case study. Near Surf. Geophys. htps:// nsg.12192 . Pavoni, M., Boaga, J., Carrera, A., Zuecco, G., Carturan, L., & Zumiani, M.; 2023: Brief communicaton: Mountain permafrost acts as an aquitard during an infltraton experiment monitored with electrical resistvity tomography tme-lapse measurements. The Cryosphere, 17(4), 1601-1607. htps://
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