GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 In situ geophysical techniques for the hydrogeological hazard assessment in urban area: the Gorgoglione (Basilicata region, Southern Italy) case study A. Perrone 1 , J. Bellanova 1 , G. Calamita 1 , F. Falabella 2 , M.R. Gallipoli 1 , E. Gueguen 1 , A. Pepe 2 , S. Piscitelli 1 , V. Serlenga 1 , T.A. Stabile 1 1 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Isttuto di metodologie per l'analisi ambientale (IMAA) - Italy 2 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Isttuto per il Rilevamento Eletromagnetco dell'Ambiente (IREA) - Italy The geomorphological fragility of the Basilicata territory (southern Italy) and, in partcular, the vulnerability to landslides can be considered the result of various causes such as the lithology of the outcropping terrain, the morphology of the reliefs, neotectonics, seismicity, climate and vegetaton. Since the 17th century, landslides have been recognized and recorded as a problem for the Lucanian territory (Boenzi, 1974; Stuart, 1993). In the 18th century, the changes in land use signifcantly increased the number of landslides. Subsequently other factors such as the experience of poorly designed and poorly constructed urban setlements, the defectve disposal of water and wastewater, the limited consolidaton against landslides and the progressive abandonment of land around inhabited centers territory, have contributed in acceleratng the occurrence of landslides (Stuart, 1993; Vita-Finzi, 1969). Climate change and the incidence of extreme rainfall events in an already very fragile landscape have also played an important role in this acceleraton into the 20th and 21st centuries. Currently all 131 municipalites in Basilicata Region are involved by landslides (Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy, IFFI Project 2020) and in 83 of them the landslides have afected the contnuous and discontnuous urban fabric as well as industrial or commercial areas. In many cases, as for example in the Gorgoglione test site, the state of emergency has been declared with evacuaton orders for residental buildings and commercial actvites and, where necessary, also with the demoliton of historic buildings (Perrone et al., 2021; Calamita et al., 2023). Traditonal direct techniques, such as geotechnical boreholes, ofer point-specifc informaton but can be highly invasive, leading to potental damage to economic and cultural resources such as archaeological sites and underground utlites, especially in the upper layers of the subsoil. In the