GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 References Boenzi F.; 1974: Il dissesto idrogeologico in Basilicata dalla fne del 1600 ad oggi. Pages 23-28 in At del IV Simposio Nazionale sulla Conservazione della Natura, I, Bari. Calamita G., Gallipoli M.R., Gueguen E., Sinisi R., Summa V., Vignola L., Stabile T.A., Bellanova J., Piscitelli S., Perrone A.; 2023: Integrated geophysical and geological surveys reveal new details of the large Montescaglioso (southern Italy) landslide of December 2013. Engineering geology 313 , pp. Art.n.106984-1–Art.n.106984-16. de Bari C., Lapenna V., Perrone A., Puglisi C., Sdao F.; 2011: Digital photogrammetric analysis and electrical resistvity tomography for investgatng the Picerno landslide (Basilicata region, southern Italy). Geomorphology 133, 34–46 IFFI Project (Inventario dei Fenomeni Franosi in Italia). ISPRA, Dipartmento Difesa del Suolo, Servizio Geologico d’Italia. Available online: htp:// cartanetf/ (accessed on May 2020) Perrone A., Canora F., Calamita G., Bellanova J., Serlenga V., Panebianco S., Tragni N., Piscitelli S., Vignola L., Doglioni A., Simeone V., Sdao F., Lapenna V.; 2020: A multdisciplinary approach for landslide residual risk assessment: the Pomarico landslide (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy) case study. Landslides 18, 353–365. Perrone A., Zeni G., Piscitelli S., Pepe A., Loperte A., Lapenna V., Lanari R.; 2006: Joint analysis of SAR interferometry and electrical resistvity tomography surveys for investgatng ground deformaton: the case-study of Satriano di Lucania (Potenza, Italy). Engineering Geology 88, 260–273. Stuart O.; 1993: 20-th century urban landslides in the Basilicata Region of Italy. Environmental Management 17 (4), 433-444. Vita-Finzi C.; 1969: The Mediterranean valleys: geological changes in historical tmes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Corresponding author: