GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 to the shore, remains poorly or not investgated either by the land surveyor by the marine one. Consequently, missing informaton on the area where seawater and groundwater start to interact, the reconstructon of the hydrogeological processes in the coastal area may be inaccurate or incomplete. In this framework, the University of Bari (UNIBA) and the two CNR Insttutes, IMAA and IRPI, have proposed the two-year Research Project of Natonal Relevance (PRIN PNRR 2022) SUBGEO (Submarine groundwater discharge analysis with an innovatve and integrated geophysical approach) addressed to develop and employ an innovatve strategy based on the integrated multscale and multresoluton geophysical investgaton approach for the coastal underground freshwater reservoir non-invasive characterizaton. SUBGEO aims to setup an innovatve investgaton strategy able to furnish contnuous informaton from the land to the sea useful to defne the water fuxes dynamics. A two-level strategy is proposed. In the frst level, the investgatons will provide an expeditous and not expensive overall characterizaton of the geophysical framework of the investgated area). The second investgaton level will include a more complex integraton of electrical and electromagnetc geophysical methodologies and will be more informatve. The expected results will consist of a multscale and multresoluton subsoil characterizaton from land to sea, that crossing the shoreline, will not have any spatal informatonal gap. The outcome of the second investgaton level will support the creaton of optmized hydrogeological models of the investgated area and can also be directly used by the decision-maker to implement sustainable water resources management strategies. SUBGEO is addressed to gain useful tools for the optmal and sustainable management of the coastal areas and resources, operatng on the largest Italian coastal aquifer, the Apulia region where the coastal aquifers fed the highest concentraton of submarine springs and SGD [Polemio, 2016]. The project will develop an innovatve geophysical approach based on the integrated use of aerial, land, land-marine and marine geophysical electric and electromagnetc techniques to provide spatally contnuous and high-resoluton informaton on the subsoil structure from the ofshore areas, where the outward fuxes mix with the seawater, to the onshore ones. Finally, SUBGEO will be tuned by small-scale laboratory experiments and numerical simulatons to defne the best acquisiton procedures and check the sensitvity of the strategy for diferent subsurface conditons.