GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Figure 1 - Flight lines of 2021 and 2023 AEM campaigns in Brescia province. Blue lines represent the 2000 line-km of data fown in 2021; orange lines represent the 20000 line-km of the 2023 survey. The red dot shows the positon of the HydroGeosITe. 2. Site characterizaton The HydroGeosITe is located in northern Italy, close to the southern margin of the Italian Alpine chain (Fig. 1), within a fuvioglacial and glacial depositonal environment which lays on bedrock, supposedly Pliocene marine bedrock. Therefore, the near surface deposits expect the complex superimpositon and interdigitaton of morain and fuvial deposits due to the repeated advance and retreat of the glacial system (Plesitocene) followed by the quaternary alluvial deposit of Chiese river’s alluvial plain (Cont et al., 2009). The comprehensive geophysical measurements carried out to characterized this spot in such complex geological setngs are presented in the following secton and displayed in Figure 2. These involve both AEM acquisiton and ground EM surveying with four diferent systems, along with galvanic acquisiton of DCIP data. 2.2. AEM acquisitons Concerning the AEM data (Fig. 2, botom-lef map), the SkyTEM312 system was employed in 2021 to survey the HydroGeosITe. The site has been surveyed again in summer 2023 using the new SkyTEM306HP. The 2023 AEM data were collected, overlapping with each other and with the geophysical ground measurements, at three diferent fight heights to ensure the absence of system bias, and with the aim of setng a quality standard for future AEM surveys.