GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Two diferent types of this interface have been developed to ft various kinds of data: one for galvanic data and tme-domain induced polarizaton (Fig. 2a) and one for transient EM data (airborne or ground-based, in Fig. 2b). Fig.2 – Processing window supportng a) galvanic data visualizaton b) inductve data visualizaton. In galvanic window, frst secton: electrode positon; second secton: data pseudosecton; third secton: model of rho0; fourth secton: model of phi; right panel: IP decay for the selected quadrupoles in the pseudosecton. In inductve window, frst secton: fight alttude; second secton: data (blue dots); third secton: model of rho0; frst lef panel: decay in correspondence of the red highlights in the sectons; models of rho0 in correspondence of the red highlights in the sectons. Both windows include many plots to show informaton of diferent nature, including pitch, roll and yaw for AEM data and electrode positons for galvanic data. As for measured data, for galvanic and IP data the user can choose between apparent resistvity and chargeability (gate by gate or integral chargeability in the pseudosecton), as well as the full IP decay for selected quadrupoles, while for inductve data between apparent resistvity or every dB/dt normalizaton. It is also possible to
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