GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 upload one or more forward models and model sectons to compare easily data and results in a post-processing phase. Modelling Within EEMstudio it is also possible to manage easily modelling, with two diferent interfaces. The frst one (Fig. 3a) has been developed to organize and prepare all necessary fles with the desired confguraton to launch 1D/2D/3D inversions, also in tme-lapse and/or jointly among galvanic and inductve data using EEMverter (Fiandaca et al., 2024), the inversion kernel developed by the EEM Team for Hydro & eXploraton, freeware for most ground-based applicatons. The other interface (Fig. 3b) has the purpose of building 1D/2D/3D synthetc models from scratch, which can be used as startng models or for forward computaton. Fig3 – Modelling windows. a) Interface to gather all necessary fles to launch easily inversions with EEMverter (Fiandaca et al. 2024). b) Model Builder, to build synthetc models. From lef to right: table with the parameters and the associated colors, widgets to change the grid, grid where it’s possible to select the cells and assign a color, 1D model of the row marked in blue on the botom of the grid. Conclusions EEMstudio is a tool where it is possible to visualize, process and model electric and electromagnetc data, all within the QGIS environment, taking advantage of its potentality. Moreover, QGIS is the most widespread open-source GIS sofware, used by geophysicists but especially by geologists, therefore having a common workspace to be confdent with.