GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2 – Hypo-DD locatons of the earthquakes analysed in this study. The focal mechanisms of the main event of the three sequences (Savignone, Borzonasca and Bargagli) are strike-slip. Modifed from Eva et al., 2023. The Bargagli seismic sequence may refect the formaton of new NNW-SSE strike-slip faults in the upper crust that are more suitably oriented to accommodate the present-day stress feld, consistent with the seismotectonic framework outlined by recent works in the nearby regions of the Adria-Europe plate-boundary zone (Eva et al., 2020). Our results highlight the important role of strike-slip faultng in the Adria-Europe plate boundary zone not only in the past, but also during its present-day evoluton. Low seismicity areas are ofen neglected due to the small size of the faults generatng low magnitude events. However, our study shows that such areas may contribute to the understanding of the geodynamic evoluton putng “a dowel in a larger puzzle”.