GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Out of 116 sites, only in 91 cases the numerical outcomes satsfactory reproduce the empirical HVSR curves. Moreover, the beter agreement is not obtained by the same model. As concerns the remaining 25 cases, no correlaton with the respectve geological context or geographical positon has been found. The same holds as concerns V s,eq or V s30 values, or the presence of anisotropy in the ambient vibraton wavefeld. Some inversion procedures were considered to evaluate at what extent unknown variable or possible experimental uncertainty relatve to down-hole measurements. This analysis revealed that the lack of similarity cannot be explained by considering these aspects. References Albarello D., Herak M., Lunedei E., Paolucci E., Tanzini A.; 2023: Simulatng H/V spectral ratos (HVSR) of ambient vibratons: a comparison among numerical models. Geophysical Journal Internatonal, Volume 234, Issue 2, August 2023, Pages 870–878, htps:// ggad109 Anderson J.G.; 2004: Quanttatve estmate of the goodness of ft synthetc seismogram. Proceedings of the 13thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering, B.B., Canada, August 1–6 2004, Paper n.243. Nakamura Y.; 1989: A method for dynamic characteristcs estmaton of subsurface using microtremor on the ground surface. QR Railway Technical Research Insttute, 30, 25 - 33. Paolucci E., Tanzini A., Albarello D.; 2022: From HVSR to site SH response functon: Potentality and pitalls inferred by 1D physical modelling. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering htps:// Regione Toscana - VEL database: htps:// Tanzini A., Paolucci E., Albarello D.; 2023: Preliminary comparison between experimental and theoretcal HVSR curves using diferent models. Gruppo Nazionale di Geofsica della Terra Solida, At del 41°Convegno nazionale, Trieste – sessione 2.2. Corresponding author: Anna Tanzini
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