GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 substrate depths identfed in the nearby boreholes. This empirical relatonship is valid for the shallow subsurface within the depth range used for the regression analysis (say, from -60 to -230 m), which allows the conversion from the frequency to the depth domain of the HVSR curves. These results have several practcal applicatons: frstly, they help identfying areas that are likely to experience greater ground moton amplifcaton during an earthquake; secondly, they enable the development of empirical formulas for estmatng the depth of the seismic bedrock based on HVSR outcomes (Martelli, 2021) with high accuracy; and thirdly, they highlight signifcant stratgraphic and structural diferences between the Mirandola and Casaglia areas. References Martelli, L. (2021). Assessment of Seismic Bedrock in Deep Alluvial Plains. Case Studies from the Emilia-Romagna Plain. Geosciences 11(7):297. htps:// Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Perfet, P., Danecek, P. (2012). Quick regional centroid moment tensor solutons for the Emilia 2012 (northern Italy) seismic sequence. Annals of Geophysics 55(4):615–621, doi: htps://doi:10.4401/ag-6146 Tarabusi, G., Caputo, R. (2017). The use of HVSR measurements for investgatng buried tectonic structures: the Mirandola antcline, Northern Italy, as a case study. Internatonal Journal of Earth Sciences 106(1), doi: htps://
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