GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 a tool to improve data readability in both 2D and 3D visualizatons, but has stll to be refned and tuned for diferent scenarios, and needs to be automatzed in main GPR processing sofware. Moreover, while improving the signal-to-noise rato at depth, it might afect the detecton of smaller targets at shallow depths. Fig. 3 – a) Comparison between a 60 cm depth-slice from Tindari test site, a1): non stacked, a2) stacked with 5 channels. b) as a), but at 40 cm depth. Conclusions The conclusion of this work is that denser is beter if the data density is used in a proper way according to the exploraton target. For simple exploratve archaeological surveys, a multchannel GPR system that combines 4 VV and 4 HH channels could be sufcient in many situatons. However, higher data densites allow performing the stacking of adjacent channels, which represents an interestng tool to improve the data quality at greater depths or in partcularly challenging noisy sites.