GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.2 GNGTS 2024 Acknowledgements Authors are indebted with Ofcina della Ricerca e della Didatca of University of Torino for the permission to use the GPR, with Prof. Rosina Leone of University of Torino and Parco Archeologico di Tindari for the work performed at the Tindari site and with Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Art e Paesaggio and A3 associaton for the work performed at the Malano site. References Corradini, E., Groß, D., Wunderlich, T., Lübke, H., Wilken, D., Erkul, E., Schmölcke, U., Rabbel, W., 2022. Finding Mesolithic Sites: A Multchannel Ground-Penetratng Radar (GPR) Investgaton at the Ancient Lake Duvensee. Remote Sens. 14, 781. htps:// De Domenico, D., Giannino, F., Leucci, G., Botari, C., 2006. Integrated geophysical surveys at the archaeological site of Tindari (Sicily, Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science 33 (2006) 961 – 970. htps:// Gabryś, M., Ortyl, Ł., 2020. Georeferencing of Mult-Channel GPR—Accuracy and Efciency of Mapping of Underground Utlity Networks. Remote Sens. 12, 2945. htps:// rs12182945 Linck, R., Stele, A., Schuler, H., 2022. Evaluaton of the benefts for mapping faint archaeological features by using an ultra‐dense ground‐penetratng‐radar antenna array. Archaeol. Prospect. 29, 637–643. htps:// Linford, N., 2023. Structure aware noise reducton of mult-channel ground penetratng radar data using Principal Component Analysis, in: Wunderlich, T., Hadler, H., Blankenfeldt, R. (Eds.), Advances in On- and Ofshore Archaeological Prospecton. Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, Kiel, pp. 427–429. htps:// Lualdi, M., Lombardi, F., 2014. Signifcance of GPR polarisaton for improving target detecton and c ha ra c t e r i s aton . Nonde s t r u c t . Te s t . Eva l . 29 , 345–356 . htp s : / / do i . o r g / 10.1080/10589759.2014.949708 Novo, A., Dabas, M., Morelli, G., 2012. The STREAM X Multchannel GPR System: First Test at Vieil‐ Evreux (France) and Comparison with Other Geophysical Data. Archaeol. Prospect. 19, 179–189. htps:// Sandmeier, K.-J., 2021. Refexw. Zipser Strasse 1, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany. Available at: htps:// accessed on 6 December 2023. Trinks, I., Gustafsson, J., Emilsson, J., Gustafsson, C., Johansson, B., Nissen, J., 2009. Efcient, large- scale archaeological prospecton using a true 3D GPR array system. ArchéoSciences 367–370. htps:// Trinks, I., Hinterleitner, A., Neubauer, W., Nau, E., Löcker, K., Wallner, M., Gabler, M., Filzwieser, R., Wilding, J., Schiel, H., Jansa, V., Schneidhofer, P., Trausmuth, T., Sandici, V., Ruß, D., Flöry, S., Kainz, J., Kucera, M., Vonkilch, A., Tencer, T., Gustavsen, L., Kristansen, M., Bye‐Johansen, L., Tonning, C., Zitz, T., Paasche, K., Gansum, T., Seren, S., 2018. Large‐area high‐resoluton ground‐ penetratng radar measurements for archaeological prospecton. Archaeol. Prospect. 25, 171– 195. htps://
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