GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Wavelet transform spectral analysis to estmate the depth of gravity and magnetc sources M.A. Abbas 1,2 , M. Milano 1 , D.F. Barbolla 3 , M. Fedi 1 1 University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 2 South Valley University, Qena, Egypt 3 Insttute of heritage Science - Natonal Research Council, Lecce, Italy Spectral analysis, which is based on the Fourier Transform, allows high-resoluton analysis in the frequency domain but not in the space domain. Due to this lack of spatal resoluton, well-known approaches such as Spector and Grant's method cannot provide informaton on the source positons. We propose to address these concerns by employing a scalogram analysis, which is achieved by study potental felds throughout the contnuous wavelet transform. It allows detecton and locaton of source contributons in the scalogram, with good resoluton at both spatal and wavenumber level. As a new tool, we study here the depths to the top and botom of the potental feld sources locally on the 3D scalogram, along delimited sub-volumes, subareas, and scale-profles. When such local spectral analysis is applied to synthetc data, the results are in good agreement with the informaton of the causatve sources. We also apply the method to real aeromagnetc data of the Monte Vulture, Southern Italy. Corresponding author: