GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Johansen, H.K. & Sørensen, K.I., (1979). Fast Hankel transforms, Geophys.Prospect., 27, 876–901. Kemna, A, (2000). Tomographic inversion of complex resistvity: theory and applicaton, Thesis, Der Andere Verlag, ISBN 3-934366-92-9. Kemna, A., Binley, A., & Slater, L. (2004). Crosshole IP imaging for engineering and environmental applicatons. Geophysics , 69 (1), 97-107. Kemna, A., Binley, A., Cassiani, G., Niederleithinger, E., Revil, A., Slater, L., ... & Zimmermann, E. (2012). An overview of the spectral induced polarizaton method for near-surface applicatons. Near Surface Geophysics , 10 (6), 453-468. Madsen, L.M., Fiandaca, G., Auken, E. & Christansen, A.V., (2017). Timedomain induced polarizaton - an analysis of Cole-Cole parameter resoluton and correlaton using Markov Chain MonteCarlo inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 211 (2), 1341–1353. Madsen, L. M., Fiandaca, G., & Auken, E. (2020). 3-D tme-domain spectral inversion of resistvity and full-decay induced polarizaton data—full soluton of Poisson's equaton and modelling of the current waveform. Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 223 (3), 2101-2116. Martn, T., Titov, K., Tarasov, A., & Weller, A. (2021). Spectral induced polarizaton: frequency domain versus tme domain laboratory data. Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 225 (3), 1982-2000. Pelton, W.H., Ward, S.H., Hallof, P.G., Sill, W.R. & Nelson, P.H., (1978). Mineral discriminaton and removal of inductve coupling with multfrequency IP, Geophysics, 43, 588–609. Seigel H.O. (1959). Mathematcal formulaton and type curves for induced polarizaton. Geophysics 24(3), 547–565. Seigel, H.O., Vanhala, H., Sheard, S.N., (1997). Some case histories of source discriminaton using tme-domain spectral IP. Geophysics 62, 1394– 1408. Seigel, H., Nabighian,M., Parasnis, D.&Vozof, K., (2007). The early history of the induced polarizaton method, Leading Edge, 26, 312–321. Tarasov, A. & Titov, K., (2007). Relaxaton tme distributon from tme domain induced polarizaton measurements, Geophys. J. Int., 170, 31–43. Vanhala, H., Peltoniemi, M., (1992). Spectral IP studies of Finnish ore prospects. Geophysics 57, 1545–1555. Vanhala, H., Soininen, H., & Kukkonen, I. (1992). Detectng organic chemical contaminants by spectral-induced polarizaton method in glacial tll environment. Geophysics , 57 (8), 1014-1017. Weller, A., Frangos, W. & Seichter, M., (1999). Three-dimensional inversion of induced polarizaton data from simulated waste, J. appl. Geophys., 41, 31–47. Corresponding author: