GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 In equaton (3) the subscript j indicates that the inversion process can be split in several inversion cycles: in each cycle j it is possible to change the forward computaton for each dataset (e.g. from 1D to 3D), as well as to insert/remove data/constraints from the objectve functon. Fig. 1 presents the model and forward meshes for a joint inversion, in which 1D AEM and 1D ground EM computatons are combined with 2D galvanic computatons. Figure 1. EEMverter mult-mesh inversion scheme for Joint inversion of inductve and galvanic data. Top lef) Model mesh and data positons: red polygons for AEM frames; blue squares for ground TEM frames; magenta line for galvanic 2D profle. Top right) Galvanic 2D forward mesh. Botom lef) Ground TEM frames (blue squares) and corresponding 1D soundings (grey bars). Botom right) AEM frames (red polygons) and corresponding 1D soundings (grey bars). Fig. 2 presents the tme-lapse approach of EEMverter, in which all the models of all the tme steps can be inverted at once, without the need of relocatng the model meshes when the positons of the acquisitons vary among the tme steps, as in Xiao et al. (2022b).
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