GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Acknowledgments This study has been partally carried out within the Horizon Europe project SEMACRET. References Auken E., Foged N., Larsen J.J., Trøllund Lassen K.V., Maurya P.K., Dath S.M., Eiskjær T.T (2019). tTEM — A towed transient electromagnetc system for detailed 3D imaging of the top 70 m of the subsurface. Geophysics, 84 (1), E13-E22. Christensen, N. K., Ferre, T. P. A., Fiandaca, G., & Christensen, S. (2017). Voxel inversion of airborne electromagnetc data for improved groundwater model constructon and predicton accuracy. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , 21 (2), 1321-1337. Christansen, A. V., Auken, E., Foged, N., & Sørensen, K. I. (2007). Mutually and laterally constrained inversion of CVES and TEM data: a case study. Near Surface Geophysics , 5 (2), 115-123. Cox, L. H., Wilson, G. A., & Zhdanov, M. S. (2010). 3D inversion of airborne electromagnetc data using a moving footprint. Exploraton Geophysics , 41 (4), 250-259. Daut, F., Viezzoli, A., Fiandaca, G. (2024). Airborne and Ground IP: an integrated approach for exploraton. GNGTS 2024, 13-16 February 2024, Ferrara, Italy. Efersø, F., Auken, E., & Sørensen, K. I. (1999). Inversion of band-limited TEM responses . Geophysical Prospectng, 47(4), 551-564. Engebretsen, K. W., Zhang, B., Fiandaca, G., Madsen, L. M., Auken, E., & Christansen, A. V. (2022). Accelerated 2.5-D inversion of airborne transient electromagnetc data using reduced 3-D meshing. Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 230 (1), 643-653. Fiandaca, G., Auken, E., Christansen, A. V., & Gazoty, A. (2012). Time-domain-induced polarizaton: Full-decay forward modeling and 1D laterally constrained inversion of Cole-Cole parameters. Geophysics , 77 (3), E213-E225. Fiandaca, G., Ramm, J., Binley, A., Gazoty, A., Christansen, A. V., & Auken, E. (2013). Resolving spectral informaton from tme domain induced polarizaton data through 2-D inversion. Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 192 (2), 631-646. Fiandaca, G., Doetsch, J., Vignoli, G., & Auken, E. (2015). Generalized focusing of tme-lapse changes with applicatons to direct current and tme-domain induced polarizaton inversions. Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 203 (2), 1101-1112. Fiandaca, G., Madsen, L. M., & Maurya, P. K. (2018). Re-parameterisatons of the Cole–Cole model for improved spectral inversion of induced polarizaton data. Near Surface Geophysics , 16 (4), 385-399. Fiandaca, G. (2021). Inversion-based automatc processing of AEM data. Australasian Exploraton Geoscience Conference AEGC2021, 13-17 September 2021, Virtual Conference. Galli, S., Shaars, F., Smits, F., Borst, L., Rapit, A., Fiandaca G. (2024). Automated integraton of AEM data, VES and borehole logs. GNGTS 2024, 13-16 February 2024, Ferrara, Italy.
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