GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Figure 2. Plots of the fracton of rejected data with applicaton of AGMS norm in joint inversion (lef sectons) and with AEM-only inversion (right sectons); Top – rejectons of log data; botom – rejecton of VES data. In the top right corner the surveyed area As clearly shown by Fig. 2 and Table 1, the AGMS inversion has a much lower rejecton rate, with very good compatbility between logs and AEM data, and poorer compatbility between the old VES data and the AEM ones. However, spatal paterns exist in the rejecton fractons, which might be correlated with the variatons occurred in the fresh-sea water interface. The AEM-only inversion has a much lower compatbility with the ancillary data, which is mostly due to equivalence problems instead of confictng informaton. Finally, Fig. 3 presents the comparison of the joint AGMS inversion and of the AEM-only inversion on an exemplary log, where AGMS inversion model fts much beter the borehole informaton.