GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Ofshore seismic monitoring: the Rospo seismic staton as a pilot case study for the InSEA project. A. Mantovani a , A. Costanza a , G. Fertta a , G. Tusa a a Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo Introducton Extending multparameter monitoring, and in partcular seismic one, to ofshore areas represents a great challenge from many points of view. Nowadays it has become indispensable for a beter understanding of the phenomena afectng the marine environment, as the oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and also to provide a beter localizaton of earthquakes along coastal and ofshore sectors. For many years, the Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia has been involved in the underwater multparameter monitoring of the ocean foor (Beranzoli et al ., 2000, 2015; D’Anna et al ., 2009; Favali et al ., 2006a, 2006b; Monna et al ., 2005, 2013; Sgroi et al ., 2006, 2007, 2019, 2021). Since 2005, the OBS Lab of Gibilmanna (Cefalù, Italy) has been dealing with the technological development of submarine systems, and the on-site specifc operatons for both deployment and recovery of the scientfc instruments. Recently the InSEA project (detailed descripton in De Sants et al ., 2022), funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, aims to increase at natonal level the network of marine observaton and monitoring systems in accordance with EMSO (European Multdisciplinary Seafoor and water column Observatory) ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortum) infrastructures in the less developed regions of Southern Italy. The project is developed according to six Objectves of Realizaton (ORs); in partcular, among the actvity belonging to the OR3, are listed the increase of the equipment for seafoor seismic monitoring (Ocean Botom Seismometers - OBS) and the extent of the geophysical network between the Adriatc and Ionian Sea, by deploying submarine mult-parameter monitoring modules within the safety areas of fve oil platorms (ca. 200 m away). An opportunity to study the possible advantages and disadvantages of installing scientfc instrumentaton in such a prohibitve environmental context is represented by the Rospo seismic staton. In May 2018, a Framework Agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development – General Department for the Safety of Mining and Energy (DGS-UNMIG), INGV and Assomineraria, was signed to start a scientfc collaboraton. Subsequently, DGS-UNMIG, INGV and EDISON Spa (as a member of Assomineraria) signed an Implementng Agreement for research purposes. As a frst implementaton of the Agreement, one of the conductor pipe (hereinafer c.p. D) of the Rospo Mare C oil platorm (RSM-C, middle Adriatc Sea) has been made available for seismic and multparameter monitoring. The installaton of an OBS was concluded in January 2020 and, since February 2020, it belongs to the Natonal Seismic Network ( htp://