GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Nowadays this procedure has been automated in MATLAB by the development of an interface we called “ on demand ” (Fig. 3), which allows a qualitatve inspectons of the recorded signals in near real-tme. Fig. 3 – “On demand” interface. In (a) the dialog box. In (b) the spectrograms (on the lef) and the Power Spectral Density (on the right) for the three components. In (c) the signal polarizaton polar histogram and in (d) the amplitude spectra (on the top) and the horizontal-to-vertcal spectral rato (on the botom). Conclusions The OBS Lab of Gibilmanna performed the frst installaton of a broadband OBS at the botom of one of the conductor pipes of the Rospo Mare C oil platorm. For a preliminary analysis of the signals we developed a semi-automated MATLAB interface, which allow a fast qualitatve evaluaton. Notwithstanding our results highlighted that the site is noisy, compared to some land- statons, the system has been extensively tested and nowadays is fully functonal. Hopefully, our experience and observatons could help in exploring the opportunites that such structures may ofer to extend the natonal seismic network to the marine environment, reducing the current seismic gap and thus improving earthquake’s locaton. References Beranzoli L., Braun T., Calcara M., Calore D., Campaci R., Coudeville J.-M., De Sants A., Di Mauro D., Etope G., Favali P., Frugoni F., Fuda J.-L., Gamberi F., Gasparoni F., Gerber H.W., Marani M., Marvaldi J., Millot C., Palangio P., Romeo G. and Smriglio G.; 2000. GEOSTAR: the frst European long term seafoor observatory , EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 81 (5), 45-49. Beranzoli L., Ciafardini A., Cianchini G., De Caro M., De Sants A., Favali P., Frugoni F., Marinaro G., Monna S., Comntuori C., Qamili E and Sgroi T.; 2015. A frst insight into the Marsili volcanic seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): Results from ORION-GEOSTAR3 experiment . In: SEAFLOOR OBSERVATORIES. Springer Praxis Books. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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