GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 are: relatve velocites of geodetc benchmarks (GV); most-compressive horizontal principal stress directons (SD); long-term fault heave and throw rates (FSR); rates of seafoor spreading (SSR); the distributon of seismicity on the map (SC); and fast-polarizaton directons of split SKS arrivals (SA). Shells is where the main forward model calculatons occur. Shells uses the thermal and compositonal structure of thin spherical shells of planetary lithosphere, together with the physics of quasi-statc creeping fow, to predict paterns of velocity, straining, and fault-slip on the surface of a planet. A primary goal of users has been to understand the balance of forces that move the plates while a secondary goal has been to predict fault slip rates and distributed strain rates for seismic hazard estmaton. Shells, OrbData and OrbScore are serial programs except for calls to Intel’s Math Kernal Library (MKL) to solve generated linear systems. To improve these programs, we leverage the power of parallel computng to create a single program, ShellSet, which allows multple models to be tested simultaneously. ShellSet, like Shells before it, uses MKL routnes with OpenMP style threads to solve its system of linear equatons. While the combinaton with OrbData and OrbScore moves inter-program interfaces from the user to the program - meaning a simplifed user interface and further tme savings. ShellSet Vs an existng model An example applicaton of ShellSet is shown where we improve upon an existng global model (Earth5-049 in Bird et al., 2008).