GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Table 1: Searched models with improved Geometric mean score when compared to Earth5-049. ShellSet performance testng The performance of ShellSet can be measured in 2 ways. Firstly, Tab. 2 proves that running multple models in parallel can yield good performance improvement, even on a mid-level machine. It shows the tme taken (mm:ss) for a given number of MPI processes to complete a set of models. The bracketed tme is the speed up relatve to the tme taken by 1 process to complete the same number of models. This speed up is ploted in Fig. 2. It is trivial to state that larger machines would ofer more signifcant improvements or the ability to test higher numbers of models and processes. Model ID fFric tauMax Earth5-049 0.10 18.10 New Earth5-049 0.10 16.58 10 0.07 16.50 28 0.04 16.34 29 0.07 16.29 30 0.10 16.55 31 0.04 16.49 32 0.07 16.50 33 0.10 16.58 35 0.07 16.55 36 0.10 16.56 1.50 * 10 12 1.83 * 10 12 1.50 * 10 12 1.17 * 10 12 G e o m e t r i c M e a n ( ) 4 SSR*GV *SD*S A 2.00 * 10 12 1.83 * 10 12 1.50 * 10 12 1.17 * 10 12 2.00 * 10 12 1.50 * 10 12 1.17 * 10 12