GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Secondly, we know from experience that the simplifed user interface and model input optons greatly increase the program’s performance. The original programs worked in serial (1 model at a tme using parallel MKL routnes) with the inter-program interfaces handled manually by the user, the newly optmized program removes this requirement on the user by automatcally feeding informaton between the 3 consttuent program parts. Not only do these automated connectons ofer a performance boost but they allow a “start and ignore” treatment of the program, meaning a user can simply begin a test and wait for the result with no further input required. The ability to utlize parallel computng combined with a simplifed user interface, ShellSet also includes a GUI to aid the user in setup, signifcantly widens the possible user base. This makes ShellSet accessible to anyone from seasoned researchers to master’s or even bachelor’s degree students whose research tme may be limited. References Bird P., Liu Z., and Rucker W.K.; 2008: Stresses that drive the plates from below: Defnitons, computatonal path, model optmizaton, and error analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113, B11. May J.B., Bird P., and Carafa M.M.C.; 2023: ShellSet v1.1.0 - Parallel Dynamic Neotectonic Modelling: A case study using Earth5-049 (pre-print). EGUsphere, 1-21. Corresponding author: