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Tuesday, February 11th

Room A

Cenozoic dynamics and anorogenic volcanism of the Central Mediterranean: insights from geodynamic modelling
J. Yang, M. Faccenda, S. Conticelli

Investigating the effects of a laterally varying surface temperature on calculated rheology
J. B. May, M. M. C. Carafa, P. Bird

Thermo-mechanical effects of microcontinent subduction
A. Regorda, M. Roda

3D modelling of intermontane basins development: a case study of Agri Valley (southern Italy)
A. Lavecchia, M. Filippucci, T. Stabile , G. Prosser , A. Tallarico

Dynamics and Structure of the Adria subduction zone: Insights from Seismic Imaging and Analog Modeling
I. Menichelli, I. Molinari, C. Piromallo, F. Funiciello, C. Chiarabba

Oceanic geodiversity along back-arc spreading centers reveals analogies with mid-ocean ridges
C. Palmiotto, F. Muccini, E. Ficini, M.F. Loreto, M. Cuffaro

Revisiting Climate Impacts of Catastrophic Volcanic Eruptions Through Satellite Observations: Insights from TOMS to TROPOMI
A.B. Malaguti, F. Torrisi, E. Amato, S. Cariello, C. Corradino, G.S. Di Bella, A. La Spina, V. Zago, C. Del Negro

Monitoring slow uplift and subsidence in shallow seafloor environments using bottom pressure measurements
R. S. Morelli, R. Riccio, S. Guardato, F. Chierici, S. Caliro, G. Macedonio, G. Iannaccone


Investigating regional and local tectonic patterns through boundary analysis techniques: the case study of Campi Flegrei caldera
M. Perrini, A. Barone, P. Tizzani, R. Castaldo

Towards autonomous lava flow simulations using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo paradigm
F. Zuccarello, G. Bilotta, F. Cannavò, A. Cappello, G. Ganci

Enhancing GNSS Velocity Estimation in Hydrologically Active Regions
F. Pintori, A. Borghi, E. Serpelloni

An automatic waveform modeling method to estimate source and attenuation parameters for earthquakes
R. Petito Penna, A. Zollo, G. Russo, S. Nazeri, G. De Landro

Vp/Vs Ratio and Crustal Thickness of the Greater Alpine Crust Using H-κ Stacking
H. B. Roisenberg, L. Boschi, F. Cammarano

Multi-scale attenuative imaging of the Collalto UGS area and the Montello thrust system (eastern Southern Alps, Italy)
D. Talone, M. A. Romano, L. De Siena, M. Guidarelli, M. Santulin, L. Peruzza, G. Lavecchia, R. de Nardis

Causality in particle bursts and magnetic field (NOAA-SWARM) data possibly related to the Taiwan earthquake, Mw = 7.4, April 3, 2024
D. Marchetti, C. Fidani

Test for the deployment of a GNSS-R Station in the Trieste Region: Advances in Ocean Tide measurement in the Adriatic
A. Fantoni, C. Braitenberg

High-Precision Geometric Leveling between Udine and Basagliapenta: A Key Method for Detecting Recent Tectonic Deformations at the Eastern Southern Alps Front (NE Italy)
A. Marchesini, A. Pellegrinelli, G. Patricelli, F. Carnemolla, L. Monti, D. Russo

Room B

Physics-informed numerical modeling of long-term memory in seismic activity
S. Barani, M. Taroni, D. Zaccagnino, G. Petrillo, P. Artale Harris, S. Azhideh
A Comprehensive Approach to Floating Ruptures in Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment: Applications to Hypothetical Case Studies
S. Bonini, O. Scotti, A. Valentini, F. Visini, G. Tartaglia, G. Viola, G. Vignaroli
Prototypal Implementation of Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment Using the OpenQuake Engine Components
Y. Chen, M. Pagani, H. Fernandez, L. Peruzza
Analysis of GNSS data along the Southern Gas Corridor and estimate of the expected displacement
G. Rossi, R. Caputo, D. Zuliani, P. Fabris, M. Maggini, P. Karvelis
Numerical Modelling of Surface Rupture Probabilities on Principal Fault
L. Mammarella, F. Visini, P. Boncio, S. Baize, O. Scotti, C. Beauval, B. Pace, S. Thompson
Scientific and ethical issues in creating ground shaking and surface faulting scenarios. Lessons from the planned bridge over the Messina Straits
P. Burrato, G. Valensise


Potential tsunami hazard related to offshore activities: case studies in the central Adriatic and southern Sicilian coasts
C. Angeli, A. Armigliato, M. Zanetti, F. Zaniboni, S. Carcano, M. Forzese, L. Lipparini, I. Molinari.
Submarine landslide-tsunami scenarios in the Gela Basin Margin: numerical simulations and hazard assessment
F. Zaniboni, M. Rovere, A. Argnani, C. Angeli, E. Paolucci, M. Zanetti, A. Armigliato
Possible Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling before three earthquake doublets around Arabian Plate
D. Marchetti, E. Ghamry, M. Metwaly
Construction of a Ground Motion Flat File for Subduction Earthquakes in the Mediterranean Area
B. Shoaib, G. Lanzano, L.  Luzi, E. Tondi
Seismic Hazard Maps in the Vrancea Zone, Romania, using a 3D Adaptive Smoothing Approach
C. Pandolfi, M. Taroni, A. Akinci
Sensitivity analysis for PFDHA logic trees: do all branches have thorns?
M. Colombo, F. Ferrario, F. Livio
The role of “equation error” in empirical regressions for seismic magnitude conversions
P. Gasperini, B. Lolli and E. Biondini

Room C

Optimized Transparent Boundary Conditions for Wave Propagation
G. Roncoroni, B. Arntsen, E. Forte, M. Pipan

Denoising Microseismic Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing (DFOS) data through a Spectral Subtraction-based Approach
G.Pascucci, S.Gaviano, F.Grigoli

An automated and data driven framework for refraction statics computation
D. Scarpellini, S. Re

Fast gravity processing by linear regression of Free-Air anomalies against topography
G. Florio, L. Ricciardi, T. Pivetta

Localized power spectrum of potential field data
M.A. Abbas, M. Milano, M. Fedi,

A New Bathymetry Model for the Larsen Iceshelf Using Gravity Data
M.Maiolino, M. Fedi, G.Florio

Simultaneous estimation of basement depth and density contrast from gravity anomalies via multi-task Deep Learning
L. Wang, G. Florio, M. Fedi, C. Messina, S. Xiong and W. Wang

Three-dimensional AEM inversion considering IP effect for mineral exploration
J. Chen, B. Zhang, G. Fiandaca


Joint analysis of seismic and electromagnetic data in studying a near-surface offshore section: approaches and examples
A. Mirinets, A. Bobachev, S. Mironyuk, M. Aleshin

Joint inversion of potential fields data and seismic images
L. Bianco, M. Fedi

Assessment of Minimum Entropy Full Waveform Velocity Analysis
E. Ligas, N. Bienati, M. Pipan

Comparison of probabilistic approaches to acoustic FWI in compressed model and data spaces
F. Macelloni, S. Berti, M. Aleardi, E. Stucchi

Surface waves full waveform inversion using the Annealed Stein Variational Gradient Descent
S. Berti, M. Aleardi, M. Ravasi, E. Stucchi

Optimization of rock-physics inversion via FWI and deep learning tools
G. Pantaleo, M. Pipan

A simple theoretical model for electrical conductivity of a transversely isotropic porous medium with two conducting phases
H.Yan, C.Comina, S.C. Vinciguerra

Advances in Quantitative Interpretation: automated seismic reservoir characterization
A. Murineddu, M. Pezzoli

Room D


Wednesday, February 12th

Room A

Reassessment of the historical earthquake of 23 February 1887 in Liguria (northwestern Mediterranean) on the basis of magnetogram recordings
G. Tarchini, S. Parolai, D. Spallarossa, D. Sandron

Investigating the active Faults affecting Ionians Islands, Western Hellenic Arc
M.F. Loreto, V. Ferrante, M. Ligi, F. Muccini, C. Palmiotto, L. Petracchini, S. Romano, A. Ganas, A. Argnani, A. Conti, M. Cuffaro, O. Kei, B. Fabrizio, A. Pensa, S. Kothri, D. Lampridou, I. Merino, R.C. Ranero and P. Nomikou

Morphological mapping of geological risk elements offshore the Ionian Islands (Western Greece)
D. Bartolozzi, S. Kothri, P. Nomikou, M.F. Loreto, A. Ganas, V. Ferrante, D. Lampridou, E. Nikoli, C. Ranero

The Contribution of 20 years of deep geoelectrical investigations in the High Agri Valley Basin
V. Giampaolo, G. De Martino, L. Capozzoli, F. Olita, G. Prosser, G. Palladino, I. Giano, E. Rizzo

Investigating the Deep Volturno Plain: Structural insights from integration of vintage Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic data
P. P. Bruno, M. L. Putignano, F. Cella, G. Florio

Active tectonics and seismicity in the central Adriatic and at the front of the southern Dinarides
A. Argnani, G. Dalla Valle

Fault inheritance and the control of large earthquakes and aftershocks
R. Fonzetti, M. Buttinelli, L. Valoroso, P. De Gori, C. Chiarabba



An observatory of Italian and European seismicity: the Gazzetta di Parma [1767-1796] in the second half of the 18th century
S. Baranello

Updating knowledge on 18th century Carnia earthquakes
M.S. Barbano, S. Baranello, A. Rossetti, V. Castelli, R. Camassi

Improving the quality of the seismic catalogue. Case histories from the Marches (1897-1916-1972)
V. Castelli, A. Tertulliani, R. Camassi, A. Rossetti

Compilation of macroseismic datasets by integrating multiple earthquake studies 
A. Tertulliani, A. Antonucci, F. Bernardini, V. Castelli, E. Ercolani, L. Graziani, A. Maramai, M. Orlando, A. Rossi, T. Tuvè

Impact of uncertain intensity assessments on the earthquakes’ parameters of CPTI15
A. Antonucci, P. Augliera, M. Locati, A. Rovida

M. Barbolini and P. Gasperini


Hunting for the 1688 Earthquake Seismogenic Fault: Multimethodological Analysis in the Sannio area, Italy
A. Capozzoli, V. Paoletti, S. Porfido, A.M. Michetti, A. M. Esposito, R. Nappi

Seismic history and active deformation of the frontal Kumaun Himalayan belt: insights from preliminary morphotectonic analysis
M. Dhali, N. Parrino, A. Ansari, P. Burrato, J. Malik

Geological faults and coseismic ruptures: two sides of the same coin?
M. F. Ferrario, F. Livio, L. Serva

New paleoseismic constraints for the Mw ~7, 1857 earthquake in southern Italy.
P. Galli, E. Peronace, S. Bello, F. Brozzetti, A. Galderisi, G. Naso, A. Pignalosa, G. Benedetti, M. Comedini

Quaternary morpho-sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Calore River valley (southern Italian Apennines): insights into the potential seismogenic source of the Mw ~7.0, 1456 and 1688 Sannio earthquakes
V. Amato, S. Ciarcia, P. Galli, D. Cicchella, A. Galderisi, L. Monaco, G. Fernandez, R. Isaia, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, E. Peronace, B. Giaccio

Whispers from the Past: Structural-Geochemical Insights into the Silent Mt. Morrone Fault System
S. Bello, P. Galli, M.G. Perna, E. Peronace, P. Messina, G. Rosatelli, C. Andrenacci, G. Lavecchia, F. Pietrolungo, A. Consalvo, V. Mouslopoulou, F. Brozzetti

Paleoseismic evidence for the Sant’Eufemia-Lamezia 1638 earthquake (Mw 6.7; Calabria, southern Italy)
P. Galli, F. Muto, E. Peronace, G. Naso, P. Vasta



Testing plate-motion steadiness over the earthquake cycle
G. Iaffaldano

Reconciling laboratory, small and large fault frictional properties
D. Zaccagnino, O. Bruno, C. Doglioni

Investigating the interseismic coupling degree of the northern Apennines external Arc in Emilia Romagna region, (northern Italy)
S. Giuffrida, L. Anderlini, S. Graham, F. Carnemolla, F. Brighenti, G. de Guidi, F. Cannavò, R. Caputo

Enhanced seismological imaging in the Molise-Sannio region: preliminary results from the MOSAICMO Project
D. Latorre, L. Improta, S. Bagh, A. Marchetti, P. De Gori, P. Lucente, G. Riccio, S. Pucillo, R. Cogliano, C. Montuori, S. Monna, L. Valoroso, P. Baccheschi, D. Piccinini

Seismic Coupling Coefficient for China region: preliminary results
F. Sparacino, B.G. Galuzzi, M. Palano, R. Azzaro

Identifying seismogenic sources in south-eastern Piedmont by analysing instrumental seismicity recorded over the past 40 years
F. Guiñez Rivas, S.C. Vinciguerra, C. Comina, F. Bosco, G.M. Adinolfi

Microseismicity characterization in the normal faulting environment of Southern Apennines using short-term dense monitoring
F. Scotto di Uccio, G. Festa, T. Muzellec, P. Martínez-Garzón, M. Picozzi, A. Scala, G. Camanni, G. De Landro, M-A. Meier, G. Beroza, A. Zollo

Passive seismic survey around the Mefite d’Ansanto deep-CO2 degassing site (Southern Apennines, Italy)
L. Valoroso, S. Bagh, S. Cianetti, P. De Gori, L. Improta, D. Piccinini, A. Marchetti and F. Di Luccio.

Seismic noise characterization of the Buddusò – Ala dei Sardi wind park (Sardinia, Italy) and its impact on the Einstein Telescope candidate site
G. Diaferia, C. Giunchi, M. Olivieri, I. Molinari, F. Di Felice, A. Contu, D. D’Urso, L. Naticchioni, D. Rozza, J. Harms, A. Cardini, R. De Rosa, M. Di Giovanni, V. Mangano, F. Ricci, L. Trozzo, and C. Murineddu

Room B

The impact of 1D seismostratigraphical amplification effects on probabilistic seismic hazard maps at regional scale: the case of Central Italy
D. Albarello, N. Carfagna, P. L. Fantozzi
Reconstruction of Subsoil in the Po Plain for a large-scale evaluation of seismic amplification effects
G. Caielli, D. Rusconi, R. de Franco, I. Gaudiosi, G. Norini
Large-scale Seismic Site Effect modelling through automated definition of the Stratigraphically Homogeneous Zones: the case of Basilicata Region
A. D’Agostino, A. Porchia, I. Gaudiosi, G. Tortorici, S. Catalano
A statistical analysis on soil response at the Italian Seismic Network: the CRISP database
A. Mercuri, G. Cultrera
Possible measure of soil factors in the Italian seismic code
E. Paolucci, D. Albarello
Empirical estimates  of Site Amplification Factors  in Italy
S. Hailemikael, G. Cultrera, A. Peloso, G. Martini, C. Barnaba, G. Laurenzano,  G. Lanzano, S. Sgobba, M.R. Gallipoli, WP6_PRIN-SERENA working group
An updated Vs30 map of Italy integrating topographic and geological proxies with extensive geophysical measurements
G. Brunelli, G. Lanzano, L. Luzi, S. Sgobba, E. Thompson, C. B. Worden, D. J. Wald
Geological and stratigraphic setting of the metropolitan area of Milan (Italy): implications for site-dependent seismic hazard assessment through high-resolution geophysical investigation
S. Lovati, R. Puglia, S. Maraio, F. E. Maesano, E. Ferrari, G. Brunelli, F. Varchetta, A. Rizzo, F. Villani, M. Massa
NTC18 Standard: Topographical Conditions in the Siena Case Study – Application and Verification
M. Ariano, P.L. Fantozzi, D. Albarello
Realization of the database of seismostratigraphic features of seismically homogeneous microzones throughout the country
M. Ariano, P. L. Fantozzi, D. Albarello
1D response analysis of seismic stations in ITACA for Seismic Microzonation purposes
T. Castelbarco, G. Lanzano, G. Brunelli, S. Sgobba, F. Pacor, L. Luzi, F. Pergalani
A new urban seismic network for the city of Trieste. Where to place it?     
F. Parentelli, C. Beltrame, S. F. Fornasari, V. Pazzi, G. Moschion, G. Costa
Presentation of  poster session by the Convenors
The statistical correlations between the electric oscillations detected by CIEN and moderate seismic activity
C. Fidani, D. Marcelli
Developing and Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Earthquake Forecast Models: A Methodological Framework and Case Study for Italy   
F. Visini, A. Valentini
Probabilistic Earthquake Forecasting in Italy: Bridging the Gap Between Alarm-Based and Likelihood-Based Models
E. Biondini, B. Lolli, P. Gasperini
The estimation of intensity in large urban areas: the case of the seismic history of Rome
A. Tertulliani, L. Graziani, A. Rossi
An Extended Italian Dataset for the analysis of the Ground Motion-to-Intensity Conversion Equations (GMICEs)
E.Xhafaj, G. Lanzano, S. Sgobba, F. Pacor, A. Gomez-Capera

Introduction and mention of the Posters (focus on the Posters related to the themes of the day)

1D stratigraphic modelling vs experimental seismic amplification: can a possible convergence exist? The case of Val d’Agri
M.R. Gallipoli, G. Calamita, G. Laurenzano, P. Taverna, P. Klin, G. Tortorici, S. Catalano, C. Barnaba

Empirical amplification factors for seismic microzonation studies in volcanic regions: the study case of Mt Etna
G. Laurenzano, C. Barnaba, M. Romanelli, G. Lanzano, G. Brunelli, C. Felicetta, F. Pacor, G. Tusa, R. Azzaro, G. Tarchini, D. Spallarossa

Comparison between the seismic amplification values obtained from the Italian second-level microzonation (SM2) abacuses and numerical simulation in Friuli Venezia Giulia region
C. Beltrame, P. Taverna, G. Peressi, V. Pazzi, G. Costa

Local seismic hazard analysis for the new territorial plan of the Province of Ferrara
G. Carloni, L. Martelli

Physics-based simulation of 3D seismic site effects: Case study of the lower Sarca Valley (Trentino, Italy)
P. Klin, I. Primofiore, L. Zampa, M. Garbin, A. Viganò, C. Barnaba, F. Palmieri, G. Laurenzano

Seismic-induced liquefaction hazard along the Emilia-Romagna coast
L. Martelli

Regional scale geophysical parametrization for the seismic amplification abacuses of Piedmont Region
E. Paolucci, G.M. Adinolfi, C. Comina, P. Pieruccini


Room C

Geophysical Multi-Messanger Approach to Characterizing Geothermal Systems: First Insights from Contursi Terme, Southern Italy
O. Amoroso, V. Giampaolo, M. Balasco, M. Blasone, P. Capuano, G. De Martino, F. Napolitano, A. Perrone, S. Panebianco , V. Serlenga, T.A. Stabile

Joint interpretation of geophysical data for evaluating the geothermal energy potential in the Romagna and Ferrara Folds (Italy)
R. Basant, M. Tesauro, V. Cortassa, G. Gola, T. Nanni, A. Galgaro, A. Manzella

Integrated geological modelling for assessing geothermal potential in the Romagna and Ferrara Folds (Italy)
V. Cortassa, M. Tesauro, R. Basant, G. Gola, T. Nanni, A. Galgaro, A. Manzella

Subsurface masses monitoring at Theistareykir geothermal field, Iceland, using hybrid gravimetry
B. Giuliante, P. Jousset, J. Hinderer, U. Riccardi, T. Pivetta, A. K. Mortensen, P. Weis, C. M. Krawczyk.

GEOTHERMOS: a new Matlab code for geothermal potential assessment
G. Gola , M. Cornetto , M. Basant , V. Cortassa , A. Galgaro4, M. Gizzi, T. Nanni , M. Tesauro , F. Vagnon, A. Manzella

Bottom hole temperature correction for geothermal potential assessment: the Eastern Po Plain case study
T. Nanni , G. Gola , V. Cortassa , A. Galgaro , M. Tesauro, R. Basant , A. Manzella



High-resolution gravity modelling of Pantelleria Island (Southern Italy)
L. Ricciardi, G. Florio, S. Carlino, T. Pivetta, U. Riccardi, M. Sposato, L. S. Zampa, G. Ferrara, M. G. Di Giuseppe

Airborne IP driven exploration for greenfield exploration: an application in the Horizon SEMACRET project
F. Dauti, A. Viezzoli, G. Fiandaca

Multiscale analysis of time lapse gravity data for CO2 mass estimation at the Sleipner storage site
M. Milano, L. Bianco, M. Fedi



Between acceptance and preparedness: An ex-ante assessment for EEWS
L. Cugliari, C. Ladina, S. Marzorati, A. Amato, C. Valbonesi, P. Pierleoni

Enhancing seismic resilience in Italian hospitals: A Web-AR app tool
S. Zidarich, D. Reitano, G. Musacchio, M.G. Sestito, C.R. Addeo, M. Crescimbene, S. Mazza, D. D’Angela, G. Magliulo

Combining traditional sensors and social media for landslide hazard assessments
R. Franceschini, A. Rosi, M. Del Soldato, F. Catani, N. Casagli

The Instagram channel @INGVterremoti
M. Pignone, C. Meletti, C. Nostro, E. Casarotti, A. Amato, C. Rossi, A. Coppotelli, A. Codeluppi, V. Arena



Room D

11:30 – 13:00


14:00 – 16:00


16:30 – 18:45


Thursday, February 13th

Room A

Application of Cluster Analysis to earthquakes originating in Vulcano Island and surrounding areas between 2020 and 2022
H. Langer, G. Barberi, C. Cassisi, O. Cocina, S. Falsaperla, S. Spampinato

Optimizing Declustering Parameters for Enhanced Seismic Catalog Analysis: A Comparative Study of Gardner-Knopoff, Gruenthal, and Uhrhammer Models in Southern Italy
M. Guastella, A. Figlioli, R. Martorana, A. Martorana

NESTORE algorithm: a machine learning approach for strong aftershock forecasting. Comparison of California, Italy, Western Slovenia, Greece and Japan results; preliminary analysis on new investigated regions
S. Gentili, P. Brondi, R. Di Giovambattista, G. D. Chiappetta, G. Petrillo, J. Zhuang, L. Caravella, E.-A. Anyfadi, F. Vallianatos

Non-linear elasticity, earthquake triggering and seasonal hydrological forcing along the Irpinia fault, Southern Italy
S. Tarantino, P. Poli, N. D’Agostino, M. Vassallo, G. Ventafridda, G. Festa, A. Zollo

Microseismic full moment tensor parameters: case of Mefite d’Ansanto deep-CO2 degassing area (Southern Apennines, Italy)
P. Roselli, F. Di Luccio, L. Valoroso, S. Bagh

Automatic Focal Mechanism Computation for Small-Magnitude Earthquakes in NE Italy
F. Abdi, A. Saraò, A. Magrin, M. Sugan, G. Messuti, M. Picozzi

Moment magnitude (Mw) catalog for seismicity located in Northeastern Italy
L. Moratto, G. Tarchini, A. Saraò

Spectral inversion for seismic source characterization in Northeastern Italy
L. Cataldi, D. Spallarossa, M. Picozzi, M. D’Amico, P. Morasca, D. Bindi, V. Poggi, G. Costa, A. Viganò


A Generalized Inversion Technique for determining Source Parameters in the East Anatolian Fault Zone, Türkiye
L. Colavitti, D. Bindi,G. Tarchini, D. Scafidi, M. Picozzi, D. Spallarossa.

Earthquake magnitude information in the early seconds of DAS recordings
C. Strumia, A. Trabattoni, A. Scala, D. Rivet, G. Festa

Comparison of deep learning and manual seismic arrival picking based on high-precision earthquake locations and tomographic inversions: an example from the Norcia 2016 earthquake
S. Cianetti, A. Lomax, A. Michelini, C. Giunchi

Simulating Broad-Band Ground Motions for M≥6.0 Events in Central Italy using a 1D Frequency-Wavenumber (FK) Approach and Kinematic Rupture Modeling
P. Artale Harris, A. Pitarka, A. Akinci

Conceptual and numerical analysis of hydrogeological changes in the Sibillini Mts. due to the Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake
E. Zullo, M. Albano, M. Saroli, M. Moro, G. Testa, N. Bonora, M. Petitta, T. Reimann, C. Doglioni

Earthquakes and gravity (INVITED)
M. Cocco

Critical Observational Assessment of the Graviquake Hypothesis
L. Malagnini, D. Dreger, T. Parsons, G. Valensise, A. Michelini, G. De Natale


Room B

GeoSciences IR A Research Infrastructure for the Italian Geological Surveys Network
L. Guerrieri

ITINERIS: Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System
V. Lapenna

MEET: Monitoring Earth’s Evolution and Tectonics
G. Selvaggi

RETURN: Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (extended partnership)
D. Calcaterra

ICSC-HPC : National Research Centre in HighPerformance Computing, Big Dataand Quantum Computing
E. Casarotti

Space It Up : enhancing space technology for space exploration and exploitation for the planet Earth (extended partnership financed by ASI, MUR)
F. Buongiorno



With speeches by prof. Nicola Casagli (OGS), dott. Paola Pagliara (DPC) and prof. Maria Cristina Pedicchio (APRE), discussion on the future of research in Italy and Europe after the PNRR, with the same and the representatives of the main projects and extended partnerships presented in the morning; a memory of Giancarlo Monachesi by Viviana Castelli; awarding of the AGLC best paper awards; awarding of the Marco Mucciarelli degree award

Seismic background noise levels in Campi Flegrei Caldera
R. Esposito, L. Nardone, M. Orazi, D. Galluzzo, A. Benincasa, C. Buonocunto, A. Bobbio, P. Cantiello, A. Caputo, P. Cusano, W. De Cesare, A. Di Filippo, G. Gaudiosi, F. Liguoro, D. Lo Bascio, R. Manzo, C. Martino, R. Peluso, P. Ricciolino, G. Scarpato, M.A. Di Vito

Estimation of the site response function for accelerometric stations within Campi Flegrei
S.F. Fornasari, G. Costa

Combined geophysical and geochemical surveys in Norcia intermountain basin (Italy)
M. Massa, S. Lovati, R. Puglia, E. Ferrari, F. Linsalata, G. Brunelli, A. Figlioli, A. Randazzo, N. Voltattorni, E. Falcucci, S. Gori, M. Pischiutta

A Systematic Approach to Investigate Seismogenic Sources of Historical Earthquakes: Preliminary Results from Central Italy
V. Gironelli, L. Luzi, T. Volatili, E. Tondi

Selecting earthquake magnitude and distance for seismic input
R. Paolucci, A. Chiecchio, M. Vanini

Regional-scale physics-based numerical simulations of multiple ground shaking scenarios in the Irpinia region (Southern Italy)
M. Vanini, R. Paolucci, C. Smerzini, V. Hernandez, I. Mazzieri

DISCUSSION and Poster presentation (focus on the Posters relevant to the topics of the day)


Geological and Historical-Based Approaches to Define Scenario Earthquake in Italy
S. Sgobba, E. Minotti, M. Freddi, L. Luzi

Ground Motion Prediction Equations for the Campi Flegrei volcanic area
A. Scala, C. Strumia, P. Cito, F. Scotto di Uccio, G. Festa, I. Iervolino, A. Zollo, A. Bobbio, V. Convertito, L. Elia, A. Emolo, A.G. Iaccarino

ShakeMap constrained by observed damage
A. Vitale, A. Rosti, M. Giorgio, I. Iervolino

Integrating CNN and supplemental building information to improve exposure models for regional risk assessments
O. Ulku, M. Polese

A rapid seismic classification of historic masonry buildings with risk matrices
G. Cardani, E. Garavaglia, D. Aita

Parametric fragility study on a masonry building aggregate prototype within a minor historical area
R. Di Chicco, A. Formisano

Observational fragility models based on damage data from 2012 Emilia seismic sequence
C. Monteferrante, N. Buratti

A vulnerability index for ordinary buildings in the Caldera of Campi Flegrei
G.Zuccaro, F.L.Perelli, D. De Gregorio

Room C

Groundwater modelling integration with geophysics
S. Galli, A. Signora, J. Chen, F. Schaars, M. Groen, G. Sinatra, G. Mainetti, G. Fiandaca

Time-Lapse Airborne EM for monitoring the evolution of a saltwater aquifer
A. Signora, T. Munday, G. Fiandaca

Quantitative integration of geoelectrical data for mapping of leachate plumes: application to a MSW landfill in Central Italy
D. Melegari, G. De Donno

Development and validation of an SPH model for simulating plastic transport in nearshore zone: A Laboratory – Scale Case Study
R. Cristofaro, A. Cappello, G. Ganci, C. Iuppa, C. Faraci, G. Bilotta

Petrophysically coupling seismic refraction, resistivity and time-domain induced polarization tomographic data for imaging of coastal aquifers
G. Penta de Peppo, M. Cercato, G. De Donno

Seismic reflection study of the evidence and causes of shallow fluid circulation offshore the Balearic Promontory
V. Lupieri, A. Camerlenghi, A. Del Ben, S. Blondel

Surface wave analysis for the mountain permafrost characterization
I. Barone, A. Bast,, S. J. Gaona Torres, M. Pavoni, J. Boaga

Ambient seismic noise monitoring in permafrost regions: a case study from the Matterhorn Hörnligrat (Valais, Switzerland)
V. Strallo, C. Colombero, S. Weber


Clustering of combined Resistivity and Seismic measurements as a screening tool for river embankments
A. Vergnano, D.Chieppa, A. Pasteris, C. Comina, C. Deangeli, L.V. Socco

Electric resistivity tomography for identification of local anomalies along embankments: 2D or 3D inversion?
F. Pace, A. Arato, A. Vergnano, C. Comina, M. Naldi, A. Godio, L.V. Socco

TL-ERT and FDEM acquisitions for the monitoring of leeves: test site Tatarena river (Trevi, Italy)
P. Boldrin, B. Bonaccorsi, A.Benigni, G. De Martino, V. Giampaolo, S. Barbetta, M. Dionigi, G. Bossi, E. Rizzo

2D FDTD GPR Forward Modelling for Cultural Heritage Preservation: an application on a historical masonry building in a seismogenic area (Norcia, Central Italy)
G. Alaia, M. Ercoli, N. Cavalagli

Geophysical and Remote Sensing Synergies for Subsurface Mapping in Urban Heritage Sites
P. Ciampi, L.M. Giannini, S. Younsi, B. Burchini, R. Deiana, G. Cassiani

Historical building floor characterization thanks to GPR and LiDAR integration
V. Pazzi, A. Innocenti, T. Beni, E. Marchetti

Historical building floor characterization thanks to optimizing survey strategies for full 3D ERT in archaeological prospection: the example of an ancient Roman villa in Augusta Bagiennorum
A. Vergnano, A. Merico, C. Comina

Room D

A diffusion model for volcanic eruptions
C. Godano, M. Semeraro, G. Gonnella, G. Macedonio, F. Oliveri, P. Rogolino, A. Sarracino

The first steps towards a preliminary 1D shear-wave velocity model of Pantelleria island
R. Manzo, R. Esposito, L. Nardone, S. Carannante, E. D’Alema, A. Di Filippo, D. Galluzzo, G. Gaudiosi, F. Liguoro

3D Audio-Magnetotelluric Imaging of Pantelleria Island for Geothermal Exploration
M. Sposato, M.G. Di Giuseppe, R. Isaia, A. Troiano, C. De Paola, R. Di Maio

MuRAT3: A new generation of Multi-Resolution Attenuation Tomography
L. De Siena

Reprocessing vintage seismic reflection profiles in the offshore Campi Flegrei Caldera
P.P. Bruno, S. Di Maio, G. Ferrara, S. Vitale, J. Natale, M.A. Di Vito

Spatiotemporal Distribution of Seismic Source Energy During the Recent Unrest Phase at Campi Flegrei, Italy
E. Del Pezzo, F. Bianco

May 20, 2024, Md=4.4: The Strongest Campi Flegrei Earthquake ever recorded
N.A. Pino, S, Danesi, G. Rapagnani, V. De Rubeis, S. Cesca

Installation, Calibration, and Data Processing of the Superconducting Gravimeter at Rione Terra, Campi Flegrei caldera
R. Casolaro, U. Riccardi, T. Pivetta, J. Hinderer, F. Littel, A. Fedele, G. Ricciardi, S. Carlino


Evidence of fluid migration from the footwall to the hanging wall during the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia-Capitignano seismic sequence (Central Apennines, Italy)
L. Malagnini, D.S. Dreger, F.P. Lucente, I. Munafò

A multiparametric analysis of the recent unrest at Campi Flegrei, Italy
S. Tarantino, P. Poli, M. Vassallo, N. D’Agostino, Stephane Garambois, Prospero De Martino

Insights into hydrothermal fluid flow dynamics at the Pisciarelli Fumarole Field (Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy) by integrating geophysical imaging and thermo-fluid dynamic numerical modelling
R. Salone, A. Troiano, M.G. Di Giuseppe, R. Isaia, R. Di Maio

From subsidence to uplift at Campi Flegrei and coheval deformation at Vesuvio from ERS/ENVISAT SAR data
A. Amoruso, A. Gualandi, L. Crescentini

How the ground deformation drives the earthquake occurrence during the 2005-present time unrest at Campi Flegrei – Italy
C. Godano, V. Convertito, A. Tramelli e G. Petrillo

Monitoring of fluids and melt distribution beneath volcanoes: examples from Campi Flegrei and Etna
G. Giacomuzzi, P. De Gori, N.P. Agostinetti, R. Fonzetti, E. Giampiccolo, C. Chiarabba

Seismological analysis of crustal anisotropy variations at Mt. Etna during the 2020-2021 period
M. Avella, L. Zaccarelli, A. Garcia, O. Cocina, C. Musumeci

Path duration model for stochastic method of ground motion simulation at Mount Etna volcano
S.J. Brooks, G. Tusa


Friday, February 14th

Room A


Room B

Quality of life in displaced earthquake survivors
L. Savadori, D. Di Bucci, M. Dolce, A. Galvagni, A. Patacca, E. Pezzi, G. Scurci, F. Del Missier

Methodology proposed for a novel stochastic post-disaster recovery model for healthcare urban networks
F. Aloschi, A. Miano, F. Parisi, A. Prota

The recovery process: from the past Italian earthquakes to a framework for enhancing the preparedness
M.P. Boni, L. Petrini

On the use of physics-based ground motion simulations to generate region-specific seismic damage scenarios
C. Smerzini, R. Paolucci, M. Vanini

Seismic resilience-based strategies for prioritization of interventions on a subregional area
M. Vona, A. Anelli, T. Tufaro, P. Harabaglia, F. Mori, B. Manganelli

Seismic and Geodetic Monitoring of the Federico II school of Engineering Building (Naples, Italy)
G. Capotosti, V. Poggi, D. Zuliani, S. Parolai, A. Compagno, S. Galvi, R. Morga, G. Baltzopoulos, I. Iervolino

Improving Decentralized On site Earthquake Early Warning system by rapid estimation of interstorey drift
R. Morga, S. Parolai, V. Poggi

Engineering research at Campi Flegrei during bradyseism
P. Cito, R. Baraschino, I. Iervolino


The Crucial Role of the SISMIKO Operational Group in Rapid Response to significant Seismic Events in Italy
M. Pastori, E. D’Alema, M. Moretti, SISMIKO Working Group

An integrated multi-risk assessment methodology for seismic-induced landslide impacting aging infrastructures
M. Anghileri, F. Biondini, C. Di Prisco, P. Marveggio, R. Paolucci, L. Petrini, C. Smerzini, M. Vanini, M. Zerbi

Earthquake-triggered Natech risk assessment: an application to industrial practice
A. Chiecchio, P. Poggi, E. Fiorini, M. Cademartori, M. Pontiggia, F. Ovidi, R. Paolucci

A new method for the detection of earthquake-induced landslides from direct and indirect observation
C. Zei, S. Valkaniotis, G. Papathanassiou, M. Taftsoglou, T. Chatzitheodosiou, G. Tarabusi, C. Ciuccarelli, P. Burrato, M. Ghirotti

Dynamic structure-soil interaction characterization of the “Terza Torre” building in Bologna (Italy)
L. Cataldi, V.Poggi, S. Parolai, M. Romanelli, G. Capotosti, C. Scaini, D. Ertuncay, B. Petrovic, L. Tunini, L. Martelli

Numerical Seismic Fragility Analysis of Glass Curtain Walls
N. Cella, C. Bedon

Estimation of the fundamental period of infilled RC framed buildings at different design limit states
N. Lamarucciola, R. Ditommaso, F. C. Ponzo

Some remarks on the formulation of fragility functions depending on M-R earthquake couples
A. Sandoli, G. Fabbrocino

Implications of Corrosion Modelling Strategies on the Time Dependent Seismic Risk Assessment of RC Bridges Exposed to Chloride Attack
S. Reale, M. Furinghetti, A. Pavese


Room C

20 years after the SESAME guidelines: should anything be changed?
S. Castellaro

3D Geomodelling of Sulmona basin from geophysical and geological Data
C. Bondì, R. De Franco, G. Cavinato, A. Bistacchi, M. Romanelli, G. Caielli

Local seismic response in intermontane basins with complex geological frameworks: the case study of the Cassino Plain (Italy)
V. Colagiacomo, M. Albano, M. Saroli,, M. Fiorucci, E. Zullo, M. Moro, F. Doumaz

Toward a Comprehensive 3D Subsoil Model of L’Aquila for Integration into Seismic Hazard Models
I. Garofalo, M. M. C. Carafa, V. Kastelic, P. Monaco, M. Nocentini, M. Tallini

Variation over time of the elastic parameters of the soil: natural frequencies and stiffnesses
B. Tiboni, S. Castellaro

Thermo-mechanical effects on site stability: new insights from passive seismic monitoring (THEROCKLAB Project)
L. Di Toro, C. Colombero, A. Merico, D. Martinelli, C. Francardo, G. Grechi, M. Fiorucci, G. M. Marmoni, S. Martino

A three-dimensional resistivity approach: the Ca’ Lita landslide experiment
A. Bratus, O. Souza Do Araujo, G. Bertolini, N. Bertone, L. Borgatti, E. Forte, M. Giorgi, F. Pellegrini, R. Spagni, R. Zambrini

Landslide detection and monitoring by integrating electrical, seismic and interferometric techniques in a multi-hazard perspective: the case of San Vito Romano (RM)
S. Marano, M. Cercato, G. De Donno, G. Grechi, Y. Hussain, S. Martino, D. Melegari, G. Penta De Peppo, S. Rivellino


Machine learning-based surface wave dispersion curve inversion
F. Khosro Anjom, C. Colombero

Integrated approach based on geophysical and geotechnical safety factors for stability analysis of partially saturated soil slope
R. Buonaiuto, M. Pirone, R. Salone, G. Urciuoli, R. Di Maio

From electrical resistivity to Volumetric Water Content tomographies: how to optimize irrigation in horticulture
A. Innocenti, R. Fanti , V. Pazzi

Geophysical and geochemical data integration for agricultural soil monitoring and prevention of the effects of salinity, organic matter, and climate change in the Province of Ferrara (Northern Italy)
A. Sobbe, E. Rizzo, G. Bianchini

Modelling the airborne Induced Polarization effects at continental scale: the Tempest case study in the AusEM project
F. Dauti, A. Viezzoli, G. Fiandaca

The Reference and Fiducial gravity networks in Italy
R. Barzaghi, G. Berrino, B. Betti, A. Borghi, D. Carbone, D. Carrion, D. Contrafatto, A. Facello, F. Fuso, A. Germak, F. Greco, A. Mazzoni, A. Messina, F. Migliaccio, L.T. Mirabella, A. Prato, G. Ricciardi, F. Riguzzi, L. Rossi, F. Vespe A. Vitti

Advancing Geophysics with Next-Generation Quantum Gravity Sensors: Innovations from the FIQUgS Project
M. Capponi, D. Sampietro

Versatile Magnetic Surveying: Comparing MagNimbus and MagArrow Magnetometer
F. Accomando, A. Barone, F. Mercogliano, A. Vitale, A. Bonfante, M. Buonanno, V. De Novellis, R. Castaldo, G. Solaro, S. Pepe and P. Tizzani

On surveying and modelling the magnetic response of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
A. Godio, A. Casas, C. Colombero, J. C. Tapias

Room D

Monitoring fumarole emissions on the flanks of mount Etna and correlation with volcanic activity
F. Sortino, L. Calderone, S. Giammanco, C. Ferlito

Stratigraphy and eruptive history of the Pietre Cotte volcanic succession, Vulcano (Italy)
G. Panelli, M. Roverato, G. De Astis, F. Lucchi, J. Natale, R. Sulpizio, C. Tranne

Thermo-fluid dynamic characterization of Vulcano’s active geothermal system through the integration of a 3D resistivity model and numerical simulations
C. Califano, R. Salone, A. Troiano, M. G. Di Giuseppe, R. Isaia, R. Di Maio

On the role of fluids in generating seismic activity at Vulcano, Italy, between September 2021 and December 2022
S. Falsaperla, H. Langer, S. Spampinato, O. Cocina

Characterization of the shallow hydrothermal system of Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy) using geoelectrical survey
A. Mocerino, M. G. Di Giuseppe, R. Isaia, C. De Paola, F. Pagliara, A. Troiano, R. Di Maio

One year of underground CO2 concentration recordings at CIEN station of San Procolo, Fermo
C. Fidani

Crustal structure beneath Mefite d’Ansanto CO2 emission area (Southern Apennines, Italy) from teleseismic data: first results
S. Morabito, P. Cusano, A. Gervasi, G. Milano

Passive seismic measurements to characterize gas reservoirs in a mud volcano field in Northern Italy
A. Brindisi, E. Paolucci, N. Carfagna, D. Albarello


Continuous multiparametric monitoring of mud volcanoes: the study case of the Salse di Nirano natural reserve (Fiorano Modenese, Italy)
E. Ferrari, G. Capelli Ghioldi, A.L. Rizzo, A. Sciarra, G. Tamburello, S. Lovati, F. Viveiros, M. Massa

Automated Detection of Recent Mud Extrusions Using UAV Imagery and Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and CNN-Based Approaches
M. Guastella, R. Martorana, A. D’Alessandro, F. Pisciotta

Spectral Properties of Fluid-Induced Self-arrested and Run-away Ruptures
F. Mosconi, E. Tinti, M. Supino, A.A. Gabriel, E. Casarotti, M.A. Meier, D. Giardini, M. Cocco

Infrasonic sensors as extension of the Italian Seismic Network: The ACU Project (DL50)
T. Braun, A. Govoni, C. Bidini, G. De Luca, G. Di Stefano, G. Spinelli, M. Anselmi, D. Famiani, A. Frepoli, A. Gattuso, D. Sabatini, G. Romeo

Petrophysical characterization of Adriatic Plate’s crustal and mantle rocks
M.C. Lopez, G. Gola, V. Kastelic, D. Di Naccio, A. Zanetti, M.M.C. Carafa, S. Vinciguerra

Upwelling CO2 at Mount Forcuso antiform (southern Apennines, Italy): impact of hydraulic and thermal features on the reservoir-seal system
E. Vitagliano, L. Pizzino, L. Improta, N. D’Agostino

Earthquake Patterns and Volcanic Risk: Reykjavik’s Four-Year Seismic Analysis
A. Figlioli, R. Martorana , A. D’Alessandro

Hydroseismograms from an underground hydrosensitive to seismicity site (Gran Sasso aquifer, central Italy)
V. Guerriero, D. Isaya, G. De Luca, G. Di Carlo, R. Martorana, M. Tallini

Scattering and absorption imaging of the High Agri valley oil field region (Southern Italy)
F. Napolitano, O. Amoroso, V. Serlenga, T. A. Stabile, S. Panebianco, V. Giampaolo, L. De Siena, P. Capuano


Topic 1

An updated 2D-3D geological model of the Molise-Sannio area (Southern Apennines) in the framework of the MOSAICMO project: inferences and hints for the seismotectonics of the Southern Apennines (Italy)
M. Buttinelli, F.E. Maesano, R. Maffucci, G. Vico, L. Improta, M. T. Mariucci, F. Mazzarini, F. Villani, M.M. Tiberti, R. Basili

Improvement of the detection of micro-earthquakes in the Val d’Agri region (Southern Italy) by deep learning algorithms
E. Caredda, A. Morelli, M. Errico, G. Zerbinato, M. P. Isken, S. Cesca

Fault Model of the 2024 Mw 7.4 Hualien (eastern Taiwan) Earthquake Sequence from GNSS and InSAR Data
D. Cheloni, N. A. Famiglietti, R. Caputo, C. Tolomei, A. Vicari

A comprehensive seismic catalog of the Montello-Collalto area (Eastern Southern Alps, Italy) for seismotectonic and induced seismicity purposes
G. M. Cipressi, M. A. Romano, P. Bernardi, E. Diez, F. Franceschinel, M. Garbin, M. Guidarelli, P. Klin, G. Laurenzano, L. Moratto, L. Peruzza, F. Pettenati, M. Plasencia, E. Priolo, A. Rebez, M. Romanelli, D. Sandron, M. Santulin, A. Saraò, A. Tamaro, G. Lavecchia, R. de Nardis

Orientation and Data Quality of Seismometer Arrays in Shallow Boreholes at the Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO), Italy
A. Cuius, E. Tinti, M. Supino, S. Marzorati, D. Piccinini, C. Collettini, and L. Chiaraluce

Geophysical and morphotectonic survey for the characterization of active faults in urban areas: the Scandicci Fault (Firenze, Italy)
A. D’Alessandro, L. Piccardi, E. Vittori, V. D’Intinosante, M. Baglione

Geodetic Insights into the 2024 Wushi (North-Western China) Seismic Sequence: Mw 7.0 Mainshock and Mw 5.7 Aftershock from InSAR Data
N. A. Famiglietti, D. Cheloni, R. Caputo, A. Vicari

Tremors—A Software App for the Analysis of the Completeness Magnitude
A. Figlioli, G. Vitale, M. Taroni and A. D’Alessandro

Quantifying the Impact of Window-Based Declustering Approach on Magnitude of Completeness Estimation
A.Figlioli, M.Guastella,R.Martorana and A.D’Alessandro

Structural and seismotectonic complexities of the Northern Apennines highlighted by high-quality seismic locations
G. Lelj, D. Latorre, D. Talone, G. Lavecchia, R. de Nardis

Evaluating Bayesian approaches for double-couple moment tensor estimation: an Application in Central Italy
T. Mancuso, C. Totaro, B. Orecchio

Geological data to define the presence of active and capable faults in urbanized areas of the central Apennines
M. Mariani, S. D’Annibale, E. Falcucci, S. Gori, F. Galadini

Quantifying the role of Thermal Insulation in Broad-Band Seismometer Performance: Evidence from Laboratory and Field Tests
R. Pegna, D. Biagini, M. D’Ambrosio, D. Piccinini, G. Saccorotti

Late Pleistocene-Holocene tectonic activity of the Longhere-Fadalto-Cadola Line in the Lapisina Valley (Vittorio Veneto, NE Italy)
M.E. Poli, G. Patricelli, G. Paiero, A. Francheschet, A. Marchesini, N. Abu Zeid, G. Lucchetta

Full moment tensor inversion of small magnitude earthquakes of the Pollino (Italy) seismic swarm
M. Ponte, S. Cesca, M. La Rocca, P. Büyükakpınar, G. Calderoni

Recent seismic activity in Friuli (NE Italy): the M4.6 Socchieve earthquake sequence and its preliminary seismotectonic interpretation
M.A. Romano, P. Brondi, A. Magrin, L. Zampa, M. Guidarelli, M. Sugan, F. Abdi, A. Saraò, D. Spallarossa, M. Picozzi

The the Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network (ASAIN): status of the network and latest developments
M. P. Plasencia Linares, M. Santulin, A. Magrin, D. Sandron, M. Romanelli, R. Laterza

Deciphering the 1706 Maiella Earthquake (Mw 6.8): from Seismogenic Sources to Ground Motion Simulations
T. Volatili, V. Gironelli, L. Luzi, P. Galli, M. M. C. Carafa, E. Tondi

Deciphering the 1706 Maiella Earthquake (Mw 6.8): from Seismogenic Sources to Ground Motion Simulations
T. Volatili, V. Gironelli, L. Luzi, P. Galli, M.M.C. Carafa, E. Tondi

INGV GNSS Network (RING) densification: benefits, challenges and techniques
L. Zarrilli, G. Cecere, F. Michiello, R. Moschillo, S. Pucillo, A. Vicari

Seismotectonic setting of the eastern margin of Adria plate
R. Cassataro, G. Pezzo, M. Palano, A. Sulli, C. Chiarabba

Finite source analysis of small earthquakes using the fault isochrone back-projection method: an example from the Alto Tiberina fault
A. Cuius, C. Satriano, M. Supino, E. Tinti, L. Chiaraluce

Earthquake Detection and Phase Picking using EQtransformer: a case study on Turkey-Siria earthquake, 6 February 2023
A. Di Benedetto, G. Lo Bosco, A. D’Alessandro

Exploring Northern Calabria region through Seismic Attenuation Tomography and Complementary Geophysical Data
M. Adam Alddoum Adam, L. De Siena, D. Presti, S. Scolaro, C. Totaro

Unexpected tectonically active areas evidenced by geochemical markers in geofluids occurrences of the Mediterranean area
G. Martinelli, G. Facca, F. Gherardi, L. Pierotti, D.L. Pinti, G. Yüce

Characterisation of soil CO2 flux time series using visibility graphs: preliminary results from Etna volcano
S. Scudero, A. D’Alessandro, M. Liuzzo

The lava fountain episodes at the Voragine crater of Mt. Etna (July-August 2024): an integrated geophysical approach based on seafloor observatories and land stations
T. Sgroi, S. D’Amico, A. Giuntini, A. Mantovani, G. Marinaro, F. Simeone

Structural analysis of the northern sector of the krafla caldera (iceland) through field and drone survey
L. Suranna, D. Marchetti, M. Pedicini, N. Corti, S. Brando, F. Ferraiuolo, F. Pasquarè Mariotto, A. Tibaldi, F. L. Bonali

Enhancing Seismic Monitoring in Volcanic Regions: Near Real-Time P and S Phase Recognition Using PhaseNet in Campi Flegrei area
P. Cantiello, R. Esposito, A. Di Filippo, R. Peluso

New insights on the Mount Etna volcano (Southern Italy) from local earthquake tomography
C. Totaro, M. Aloisi, C. Ferlito, B. Orecchio, D. Presti, S. Scolaro

Salse del Dragone Mud Volcano (Northern Italy): Characterization Through Surface Wave Seismic Prospecting and Stability Analysis
M. Zanetti, E. Paolucci, M. Antonellini, A. Armigliato, A. Pesci, F. Zaniboni, A. Piombo

MARGE project: from magnetotelluric modelling to Space Weather risk
G. Pignatiello, M. Balasco, I. Coco, M. De Girolamo, M. Di Persio, F. Giannattasio, C. Gizzi, V. Materni, L. Miconi, M. Miconi, G. L. Piangiamore, G. Romano, V. Romano, L. Santarelli, V. Sapia, S. Spadoni, R. Tozzi, S. Tripaldi, A. Siniscalchi, P. De Michelis

Multitemporal, Multisatellite and Multisensor InSAR techniques for Slow-Moving Landslides monitoring
C.A. Brunori

Integrated 3D crustal model in Southern Italy from geophysical and petrophysical constraints
M. Perrini, F. Accomando, G. De Landro, G. Gola, P. Tizzani, M. Carafa, M. Fedi, A. Zollo, V. Kastelic, C. Di Lorenzo, D. Di Naccio, M. Taroni and R. Castaldo

Environmental monitoring of Etna volcano to detect anomalies related to geophysical activity: first results
M. Soldani, G. Cianchini, A. Bonforte, S.A. Campuzano, R. Catania, S. D’Arcangelo, M. De Caro, A. De Santis, D. Di Mauro, S. Lepidi, S.R. Maugeri, M. Orlando, L. Perrone, D. Sabbagh

Anisotropic local earthquake P-wave tomography of the Val d’Agri area
G. Del Piccolo, M. Faccenda, A. Morelli, M. Buttinelli, R. Maffucci, M. Caciagli

Evidence of Seismic and Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling during strong Italian earthquakes
M. Falanga, P. Cusano, G. D’Angelo, E. De Lauro, S. Petrosino, D. Recchiuti and M. Piersanti

Finite element models of spontaneous subduction initiation: preliminary results

Moho and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) below the Sannio-Matese region (Central-Southern Apennine) from P and S receiver functions
S. Monna, C. Montuori, L. Improta, D. Latorre

Lithospheric structure and mantle wedge below the Tyrrhenian and Ionian basins (Central Mediterranean) from P and S receiver functions
C. Montuori, S. Monna, F. Frugoni, C. Piromallo, M. De Caro, A. Giuntini, A. Argnani

Investigation of the Preparatory Phase of the 2022 ML 5.7 Offshore Fano (Italy) Earthquake Through a Multiparametric and Multilayer Methodology
M. Orlando, A. De Santis, M. De Caro, L. Perrone, S.A. Campuzano, G. Cianchini, A. Piscini, S. D’Arcangelo, M. Calcara, C. Fidani, A. Nardi, D. Sabbagh, M. Soldani

GNSS and InSAR contribution to slope stability models: a case study in NE-Italy
L. Tunini, D. Zuliani, F. Di Traglia, L. Borselli, C. de Luca, T. Nolesini, F. Casu

A proposal for the physical modeling of ghost geodetic transients
D. Zaccagnino, M.M. C. Carafa, C. Doglioni

Topic 2

A fault-based approach to model seismicity rates for seismic hazard assessment in the Irpinia region (southern Italy)
G. Alessandrini, O. Gómez-Novell, S. Castellaro

Questions about correlations between particle precipitation and strong earthquakes
C. Fidani

Exploring the impact of attenuation variations on ground motion simulations in the Central Apennines
S. Gabrielli, A. Akinci, E. Del Pezzo

Including sea-level rise and vertical land movements in probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the Mediterranean Sea
A. Grezio, M. Anzidei, E. Baglione, B. Brizuela, P. Di Manna, J. Selva, M. Taroni, R. Tonini & A. Vecchio

Depth-dependent stochastic slip models modulated by stress drop and rigidity variations in subduction zones: application to probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis
K. N. Vishnu, A. Scala, S. Lorito, F. Romano, R. Tonini, H. B. Bayraktar, G. Festa

Modelling Synthetic Catalogues of Earthquake Ruptures in Complex Interacting fault Systems: A Case study in Central Apennines, Italy
K. Saghatforoush , B. Pace, A. Verdecchia, F. Visini, L. Peruzza, O. Zielke

Advancing PSHA in Italy: Exploring Intensity Prediction Models and Soil Amplification Effects
M. Santulin, A.A. Gomez-Capera

Magnitude-dependent chaos in earthquakes
P. Venegas-Aravena, D. Zaccagnino

The UV-divergence problem in statistical seismology: insights from an ETAS model with smoothed minimum triggering magnitude
D. Zaccagnino, J. Li, D. Sornette

Time-dependent PSHA using correlations between electric oscillations detected by CIEN and moderate earthquakes
C. Fidani

Seismic characterization and local seismic response analysis in urban areas: a case study of school sites in Palermo
A. Canzoneri , A. Carollo, P. Capizzi , M.V. Majani , M. Guastella , R. Martorana

Rapid generation of report on post-seismic events with gmProcess: a case study for a dense accelerometric network in Veneto (NE Italy)
G. Capotosti, P.L. Bragato, L. Cataldi, P. Comelli, C. Scaini, H. Siracusa, P. Ziani

Why should we bother about risk reduction at the urban scale? The Early Recovery System (ERS) and a methodology to assess the impact of prevention instruments on post-quake urban functionality
C. Fontana, V. Tomassoni, M. Giuffrè

Estimation of site response using seismic recordings from surface and borehole sensors
Franceschina, A. Tento

Integrating Physics-Based Ground Shaking Simulations into Near Real-Time Earthquake Damage Assessment: The Role of SPEED in the UrgentShake Workflow
I. Monsalvo Franco, C. Smerzini, E. Zuccolo, C. Scaini, V. Poggi

3D geological model: A key tool for risk assessment in urban areas
R. Novellino R. and P. Vannucchi

A Comprehensive GIS-Based Solution for Managing Seismic Emergencies: Tools and Strategies Developed by the SISMIKO “Piattaforma Condivisione Dati” Team
M. Pastori, S. Falcone, R. Moschillo, L. Nardone, M. D’Ambrosio, A. Cavaliere, SISMIKO Working Group

The OGS MobileLAB for earthquake rapid response
D. Pesaresi, M. Bertoni, P. Comelli, M. Picozzi

Accuracy of forecasts of seismic damage scenarios in urban areas: the case of L’Aquila 2009
R. Sava, A. Greco, A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda

ProbShakemap: a Python toolbox propagating source uncertainty to ground motion prediction
A. Stallone, J. Selva,, L. Cordrie, L. Faenza, A. Michelini, V. Lauciani

Deployment of a temporary seismic network for the study of active faults along the Voltri Massif (Genoa, northwestern Italy)
G. Tarchini, L. Colavitti, D. Scafidi, M. Locatelli, S. Parolai, D. Spallarossa, M. Vassallo, G. Riccio

STPredict-WP3 Activity: Variability of seismic response in the historic center of Rome. First results from 1D simulations
T. Tufaro, P. Bordoni, F. Di Michele, G. Di Giulio, D. Famiani, F. Marra, M. Vassallo, G. Riccio


Seismicity map of Italy | 1999-2024
M. Pignone, R. Moschillo, A. Nardi, B. Castello, C. Nostro, L. Margheriti, F. Di Laura, D. Riposati

Topic 3

Preliminary results of the GREEN (Geological stoRagE of hydrogEn and carboN: clean and efficient monitoring methods) project
M. Graziano, P. Mancinelli, S. Satolli, V. Scisciani, A. Siniscalchi, S. Tripaldi

Thermo-physical data of sedimentary rocks: analysis using Kantorovich-type operators
C. Pauselli, L. Zampogni, L. Gubbiotti

A gravity survey of Casamicciola fault (Ischia Island)
L. Ricciardi, T. Pivetta, V. Paoletti, S. Carlino, N. A. Pino, U. Riccardi, G. Florio

The importance of measuring thermal and acoustic properties on rock analogues in geothermal potential assessment studies: the example of Northern Apennines Triassic carbonate platform and underlying basement rocks
P. Slupski, G. Gola, M. Basant, V. Cortassa, M. Facci, T. Nanni, M. Tesauro, A. Manzella, A. Galgaro

Testing the Geophysical Instrumentations of the ITINERIS Infrastructures @CNR-IREA for the Investigation of the Soil-Subsoil System
A. Barone, F. Mercogliano,, F. Accomando, G. Esposito, A. Vitale, R. Castaldo, G. Gennarelli, V. De Novellis, S. Pepe, G. Solaro, M. Buonanno, A. Bonfante, P. Tizzani, I. Catapano

Submarine Canyons and Mass Transport Deposits in the Cagliari Gulf
M.C. Caradonna, A. Del Ben, V. Frisicchio , R. Geletti, G.A. Pini

Geophysical Investigation and Ambient Noise Analysis Around Messina Cathedral (Southern Italy)
S. D’Amico, E. Colica, L. Galone, F. Panzera, D. De Domenico, M. Adam Alddoum Adam, D. Presti, S. Scolaro, C. Totaro

Ambient Noise Tomography of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Naples, Italy): Preliminary Results
C. Di Dato, A. Tramelli, L. De Siena

Non-destructive tests for monitoring reinforced concrete structures in laboratory conditions
D. Di Gennaro, G. Salvia, G. De Martino, E. Vasanelli, S. Imperatore, F. Nerilli, L.Capozzoli

Integration of Remote Sensing and geophysical techniques to study a cultural heritage in a seismic area: Ground Penetrating Radar and Laser Scanner surveys for the conservation of the Castellina Museum at Norcia (central Italy)
M. Ercoli, G. Alaia, R. Brigante, L. Marconi, N. Cavalagli, C. Pauselli, F. Radicioni

Ground Penetrating Radar Applications in Active Tectonics: Insights from the Southern Apennines (Italy)
N. Gagliarde, N. A. Famiglietti, A. Memmolo, A. Meo, R. Migliazza, P. Miele, A. Vicari, B. Massa

Geo-hazards evaluation in urban areas: a new ground-airborne instrumental facility for geophysical exploration and land surface monitoring
V. Giampaolo, G. De Martino, V. Serlenga, G. Gangone, L. Martino,, G. Calamita, M.R. Gallipoli, I. Gaudiosi, A. Perrone, S. Pignatti, T.A. Stabile, V. Lapenna  

R. Giannuzzi, L. Capozzoli, D. Di Gennaro, M. De Girolamo, M. Doveri, M. Menichini, D. Patella, M. Polemio6, A. Santilano, G. Romano

Integration of data from direct and indirect surveys for more accurate localization and characterization of underground cavities in eastern Sicily (Italy)
S. Grassi, G. Morreale, D. Messina,, P. Monforte, G. Giudice, G. Quattrocchi, S. Imposa

Evaluating Hydrogeological Risks in Urban and Peri-Urban Settings with Advanced Geophysics and Data Science
L. Martino, G. Calamita, S. Uhlemann, F. Canora, A. Perrone

Integrated Geophysical Surveys in the Southern Alps (Italy): A Multimethod Approach to Subsurface Characterization
A. Montanaro, M. Taddeo, U. Giordano, G. Esposito, P. Luiso, D. Fiore

Drone-Based Aeromagnetic Surveys for Mapping and Characterizing Mud Volcanoes
R. Carluccio, F. D’Ajello Caracciolo, L. Minelli , I. Nicolosi

Evaluating seismic site response in presence of a lava tube: Preliminary results
F. Panzera, S. Alparone, A.M. Borzì, D. Contrafatto, E. Colica, S. D’Amico, L. Galone, G. Giudice, G. Grechi, G. Larocca, S. Martino, S. Nicotra, A. Cannata

A dense nodal array to study the site effects and structure of the intermontane Bojano basin (Central Italy) – MOSAICMO project
M. Vassallo, G. Di Giulio, G. Riccio, S. Hailemikael, S. Pucillo, R. Cogliano, L. Improta, D. Latorre

A method for the quantification of errors in the geological models based on back-stripping procedure
E. Vitagliano, I. Spassiani, C. D’Ambrogi, R. Di Maio

InSAR for the characterization of climate-related processes in Northwest Italy
D. Guidi, F. Silverii, M. Polcari, E. Rivalta

Coherence-based earthquake location for hybrid fiber optic and seismometer networks: a concept
E. Bozzi, A. Bonelli, G. Pascucci, S. Gaviano, G. Saccorotti, G. M. Bocchini, R. Harrington, A. Ugalde, H. Martins, F. Grigoli

An inter-disciplinary Virtual Research Environment to study the Amatrice-Norcia Italian seismic sequence 2016
D. Marchetti , D. Bailo , J. Michalek , R. Paciello

D. Zuliani, A. Compagno, P. Fabris, E. Del Negro, M. Bertoni, P. Di Bartolomeo, G. Capotosti, G. Rossi, P. Bragato, M. Picozzi, H. Siracusa, P. Ziani, M. Spampani, M. Pedroni, R. Khop, H. Voß

LZER0: adaptation for temporary monitoring and usability improvement
D. Zuliani, A. Compagno, P. Fabris, F. De Giorgi, S. Galvi, A. Magrin, E. Magrin, A. Pastorutti, L. Tunini, S. Zorba